STR Taxes, Fees, and Fine


These taxes and fees do not include applicable state or federal taxes.

No matter how an STR fee or tax is paid to the City, the funds are collected and processed by the Department of Finance, Bureau of Revenue. Contact the Bureau Of Revenue through their website.

  • RSTR Occupancy Fee: $5 Per Night Rented
  • CSTR Occupancy Fee: $12 Per Night Rented
  • City Sales Tax: 5%
  • STR Equalization Occupancy Tax: 6.75%
  • Occupancy Privilege:
    • (1-299 Rooms): $0.50 Per Night
    • (300+ Rooms): $1.00 Per Night


If a violation case is brought to an Adjudication regarding STR violations, the parties involved may face monetary fines. These fines are set by state law at a maximum of $500 for each violation cited in a violation case.

Service provided by
1340 Poydras Street Suite 800 New Orleans, LA 70112

8am—3:30pm, Friday

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1340 Poydras Street Suite 800 New Orleans, LA 70112


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