Juvenile Intervention Analysis Services |
Pre-employment Psychological Screenings for various city jobs |
Regular and After Hours Drug Collection and Screening |
Servicing Syringe Drop Boxes and Kiosks |
HIV/AIDS Treatment, Supportive Services, and HIV prventions activies to residents in eight parishes |
Surge Ambulance to support NOEMS 911 Field Operations |
Overhead Doors |
Hydrostatic Testing of SCBA Bottles |
Medical Debt Retirement Program |
Pesticides and Larvicides for Mosquito Control; Spray Equipment and Upgrades |
Horse Trailer |
Licensed Psychologist to Perform Police Evaluations |
Horse Food and Supplies |
Justice Trax Lims |
Investigative Software |
Horse Food and Supplies |
Fresh Food Subrecipient Agreement - Hope Enterprises |
Conduit services for developers and non-profits to reduce blight slum and remediation in New Orleans. |
Asset Management of Citywide Fleet Assets |
24. Hour Complaint Hotline |
Herbicide Application Consulting Services |
Bucket Trucks |
LEAD Case Management Services in NOPD's 6th and 7th District |
Electronic Health Record Systems |
Building Trades Equipment |
Jail Healthcare Monitor |
Licensed Farrier for the Police Horses |
The Port of New Orleans’ Transportation, Logistics, and Tourism Workforce Development Planning |
Curaplex Opioid Overdose Kits |
Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometer |
BIQ Solution Annual Subscription and Master Service Agreement |
Heavy Duty Truck Repairs |
Carpenter Shop Trailer |
Metal Barricades |
One New Fifteen Passenger Van |
Towable Asphalt Roller |
March of Dimes' Universal Basic Income Pilot Program for Low Income Pregnant Women |
Citywide offsite document storage and shredding services |
Legal Services |
Investigative Services for the Edward Wisner Trust Fund |
WebEOC Emergency Management Application |
Acadian's Supplemental Ambulance Services |
Lamarque Ford Inc.’s OEM Parts |
Redesign Plans for the Forensic Biology Unit |
Children’s Hospital of New Orleans’ Gun Safety Initiative |
Signs for Schools Zones at NOLA High Schools |
OEM Repairs of Kubota, Case, and Hyundai Construction Equipment |
Supplement Equipment for Special Events |
Metropolitan Safety Council’s First Aid, CPR, AED & Tourniquet |
Artivism Dance Theatre’s Youth Dance Workshops |
Cultivating Youth’s Professional Development Program |
Jail Management/Case Management System for Youth Detainees |
Haz-Mat Radiation, Gas, and Chemical Detection Equipment |
Aviation Maintenance and Repairs on Bell 505 Helicopter |
30 Cabinets for CNO Signal Lights |
Hotel Hope’s Improved Shelter Services for the Unhoused People in the City of New Orleans |
Interstate Electronic Systems’ Creston System Video Wall |
Bio Safety Laboratory Upgrades |
Home Delivery & Transportation Software |
Bourbon St. Bollard Assessment & Replacement |
Cleaning of NOPD Firing Range |
Municipal ID Program System of Software and Hardware |