View DBE Waivers

The City of New Orleans mandates 35% DBE participation on all city contracts. However, when we cannot identify a certified DBE to fulfill a specific service, we are forced to waive this goal. We encourage all certified DBEs to consider expanding your business offerings to meet the needs of city departments. By exploring these sectors where certified DBEs are currently lacking, you can play a vital role in increasing participation and ensuring that our community thrives. Together, let's seize these opportunities and strengthen our network of DBEs!

Waivers – No Certified DBEs


Juvenile Intervention Analysis Services
Pre-employment Psychological Screenings for various city jobs
Regular and After Hours Drug Collection and Screening
Servicing Syringe Drop Boxes and Kiosks
HIV/AIDS Treatment, Supportive Services, and HIV prventions activies to residents in eight parishes 
Surge Ambulance to support NOEMS 911 Field Operations 
Overhead Doors
Hydrostatic Testing of SCBA Bottles
Medical Debt Retirement Program
Pesticides and Larvicides for Mosquito Control; Spray Equipment and Upgrades 
Horse Trailer 
Licensed Psychologist to Perform Police Evaluations
Horse Food and Supplies
Justice Trax Lims
Investigative Software
Horse Food and Supplies
Fresh Food Subrecipient Agreement - Hope Enterprises
Conduit services for developers and non-profits to reduce blight slum and remediation in New Orleans.
Asset Management of Citywide Fleet Assets
24. Hour Complaint Hotline
Herbicide Application Consulting Services 
Bucket Trucks
LEAD Case Management Services in NOPD's 6th and 7th District 
Electronic Health Record Systems
Building Trades Equipment 
Jail Healthcare Monitor 
Licensed Farrier for the Police Horses
The Port of New Orleans’ Transportation, Logistics, and Tourism Workforce Development Planning
Curaplex Opioid Overdose Kits
Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometer
BIQ Solution Annual Subscription and Master Service Agreement
Heavy Duty Truck Repairs
Carpenter Shop Trailer
Metal Barricades 
One New Fifteen Passenger Van
Towable Asphalt Roller 
March of Dimes' Universal Basic Income Pilot Program for Low Income Pregnant Women
Citywide offsite document storage and shredding services
Legal Services 
Investigative Services for the Edward Wisner Trust Fund
WebEOC Emergency Management Application
Acadian's Supplemental Ambulance Services
Lamarque Ford Inc.’s OEM Parts
Redesign Plans for the Forensic Biology Unit
Children’s Hospital of New Orleans’ Gun Safety Initiative
Signs for Schools Zones at NOLA High Schools
OEM Repairs of Kubota, Case, and Hyundai Construction Equipment
Supplement Equipment for Special Events
Metropolitan Safety Council’s First Aid, CPR, AED & Tourniquet
Artivism Dance Theatre’s Youth Dance Workshops
Cultivating Youth’s Professional Development Program
Jail Management/Case Management System for Youth Detainees
Haz-Mat Radiation, Gas, and Chemical Detection Equipment
Aviation Maintenance and Repairs on Bell 505 Helicopter
30 Cabinets for CNO Signal Lights
Hotel Hope’s Improved Shelter Services for the Unhoused People in the City of New Orleans
Interstate Electronic Systems’ Creston System Video Wall
Bio Safety Laboratory Upgrades
Home Delivery & Transportation Software
Bourbon St. Bollard Assessment & Replacement
Cleaning of NOPD Firing Range
Municipal ID Program System of Software and Hardware


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1340 Poydras St Suite 1800 New Orleans, LA 70112