City Jobs
Senior Compliance/Equal Opportunity Coordinator
Summary of Position
Responsible professional and technical work of a specialized nature with activities engaged in the monitoring of various comprehensive programs designed to foster various aspects of workforce development; and related work as required
Organizational Relationships
Supervisor: Sunae Villavaso
Assignments received from: SunaeiMavaso
Interacts with: Office of Workforce Development
Duties and Responsibilities
Core Functions (provide at least 4):
- Work to assure full implementation of the Workforce Investment Act and other federal, state, and local workforce initiatives.
- Present the monitoring reports of the programs upon approval of the supervisor.
- May assist with independent research to increase the productivity and management effectiveness of the programs and recommends changes to the supervisor.
- Assures compliance and consistency with city, state and federal guidelines and regulations relating to agency administration, the Workforce Investment Board (WIB), agency partnerships, and the delivery of services.
Additional Responsibilities (if applicable):
- Conduct administrative monitoring by completing a desK review which involves as a review of all applicable sections of the Act and Federal and States regulations and issuances, a budget review indicating distribution of program funds analysis of the appropriate job training plan and review of cooperative agreements and any contracts to provide services and the entity's organizational chart. All monitoring visits to be confirmed byleter.
- Review and analyze sub recipients' financial policies to ensure that the organizations are in compliance with all federal and state mandated financial guidelines concerning such regulations as allowable costs, audit requirements and cost principles.
- Review and investigate sub recipients' budgets to ensure that the organizations have established and implemented approved financial plans based on the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) and Regulations. Will determine that the budgets are structured to remain within the limits of the availability of funds and that expenditures are supported with proper procurement procedures and backup documentation.
- Determine that sub recipients have written procedures and effective financial systems for expending and accounting for WIA funds. Ensure that the accounting systems adequately identify the source and application of funds including authorizations, obligations, unobligated balances, assets, liabilities, expenditures, and income. Perform tests to validate inventory records of sub recipients' concerning WIA property, and determine that all sub recipients’journals and ledgers are protected.
- Determine that the sub recipients' have undergone comprehensive audits of WIA funds and related controls which meet the audit requirements applicable to the type of organization. Review the audits to identify specific questioned costs and administrative findings. Ensure that sub recipients have taken timely appropriate corrective action on audit findings.
- Visit administrative once and review official documents dealing with administrative responsibilities, i.e., personnel, insurance, procurement, participant, eligibility, self-monitoring, complaints, performance goals, reporting systems, and services provided. Document all deficiencies noted.
- Write reports and document any problems encountered. References to violations of any sections of the Act and regulations must have the sections cited. Provide interview sheets that are legible.
- Maintain files of instructions, issuances, and correspondence dealing with the WIA program and updates and studies WIA information that is furnished for the monitoring unit by State, Regional, and National.
- Other duties that may be assigned.
Qualifications and Skills
- Good knowledge of federal, state and municipal laws, regulations, and procedures related to the specific agency's activities.
- Must have the ability to compile and analyze data and present comprehensive evaluations in written or oral form.
- Must have the ability to deal tactfully and successfully with public and private officials, subordinate personnel, civic groups and the general public.
Other Qualifications, Skills, and Competencies:
Any combination of experience and training which would indicate possession of the knowledgeable, skills, and abilities listed above. Bachelor degree, and at least three years of experience in monitoring federal programs or currently employed in said position. Experience with computer programs, data collection and analysis or governmental affairs. Must show and have good customer service skills.
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