Girls Reaching Out Works Wonders (GROWW)

The G.R.O.W.W. Program will provide an education, inspirational and supervised environment for low to medium risk young women currently involved with the Orleans Parish Juvenile court.  The program may serve as an alternative to detention for pre-adjudicated female youth, status offenders and post adjudication probation female youth.  These youth otherwise may be detained or removed from the home because of their supervisory needs.  The program is designed to keep low to medium risk youth from re-offense or failure to appear to court hearing.  The program may also serve as a post adjudication condition of probation.

G.R.O.W.W. provides youth with supervision in a safe, structured setting and is intended to address the specific needs of female youth involved in the juvenile justice system and divert them from delinquent activity during time known for peak delinquent activity.  The program provides a structured, supervised, environment during out of school hours, from the end of the school day.  The G.R.O.W.W. program includes pre and post assessment, homework assistance, tailored life skills sessions featuring guest speakers.  The program provides and incorporates the most effective methods for monitoring female youth involved in the juvenile justice system, while holding them accountable as they continue to be engaged with school and relationships with their families and communities.

The Program will also provide weekly group counseling.  Within 30 days of enrollment into the GROWW Program, each participant will receive a minimum of 2 individual counseling sessions with a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC).

ELIGIBLE YOUTH – Ages 10 – 17
                             Pre/Post Adjudication
                             Require intensive after school supervision

                                             - Judge
                                             - FINS

Days/Hours of Operation:    Tuesday/Thursday:  4 – 6:00 p.m.

Contact Person:  Ms. Connie Smith – (504) 658-9585


Muchachas Ofreciendo Ayuda Hacer Maravallas (GROWW) Manual