
October 3, 2022 | From City of New Orleans

New Orleans Mosquito, Termite and Rodent Control Board to Conduct Adult Mosquito Abatement Tonight

NEW ORLEANS — The New Orleans Mosquito, Termite and Rodent Control Board (NOMTRCB) will conduct adult mosquito abatement tonight, weather permitting, in the following locations:

  • The Lower 9th Ward in the area bounded by Florida Avenue, Jourdan Avenue, the Mississippi River and the parish line
  • New Orleans East/Venetian Isles/Michoud in the area bounded by I-10, I-510, Chef Menteur Highway and Lake Pontchartrain

Mosquito abatement activities this week are targeting marsh-breeding mosquitoes and Culex quinquefasciatus, the local primary vector of West Nile virus (WNV). WNV has been circulating in local mosquitoes for many weeks, and one WNV-positive blood donor was detected in Orleans Parish in the last two weeks. NOMTRCB urges residents to reduce the risk of mosquito bites by using EPA-registered and CDC-approved mosquito repellents when outdoors, especially at night when the mosquitoes that carry WNV are most active.

The Board asks that residents check areas around the home and yard at least once a week and turn over all containers that hold water. Although it has not rained recently, mosquitoes can breed in a small amount of water, and breeding sites can be well hidden.

Make sure that rain barrels are covered with mesh screening or treated with mosquito dunks. Turn over children’s toys, water tables and pools when not in use. Empty and replace water in outdoor pet dishes frequently. Scrub the sides of containers and fountains to remove mosquito eggs. Report standing water, unkept fountains, swimming pools, construction sites holding water and dumped tires to 311.  

Please review and follow the additional tips for home and personal protection.

Protect Yourself

  • Reduce mosquito exposure by limiting outdoor activities between dusk and dawn.
  • Use air conditioning or sit in the air stream of a fan outdoors when possible
  • Make sure window and door screens are in good condition to prevent mosquitoes from getting inside the home.
  • Use CDC-approved repellents containing EPA-registered active ingredients such as DEET, picaridin, IR3535 or oil of lemon-eucalyptus.
  • When using repellent, always follow the recommendations on the product label.

Protect Your Home

  • Eliminate standing water where mosquitoes breed around your home and yard by tipping over all outdoor containers at least weekly.
  • Make sure swimming pools and fountains are functional and circulating.
  • Remove trash and clutter and turn over any object that can hold water, such as kiddie pools, buckets, empty trash cans, children's toys or plant pot trays.
  • Change water weekly in containers that cannot be removed such as bird baths, pet water bowls or non-functional fountains.
  • Scrub the sides of the containers to remove mosquito eggs that may have been deposited.
  • Rain barrels and other water collection devices must be screened and collected water should be used within one week.
  • Aerate ornamental pools, fountains and sugar kettles, or stock them with fish or mosquito dunks.

Report Mosquito Issues

Please report mosquito-related issues using one of the following methods:

For more information on West Nile virus, visit the CDC website:

For pest management tips, abatement announcements and general information, follow NOMTRCB on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @nolamosquito.

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