Public Safety

Like most of the country, New Orleans saw a dramatic uptick in crime during the COVID-19 pandemic. Violence increased while staffing shortages led to reductions in public safety and law enforcement personnel. Resource diversions stalled necessary equipment maintenance and infrastructure improvements.


The Administration recognizes that maintaining public safety is critical to the overall well-being of the New Orleans community and has allocated the largest investment of ARPA funds towards this goal. The funding will support increased staffing levels through active recruitment and retention efforts, as well as upgraded public safety facilities and equipment, enabling first responders to carry out their duties effectively and efficiently. These initiatives will be complemented by several others in areas such as public health, youth services, and technology.

Public Safety Funds

Public Safety Projects by Fund

Electronic Monitoring Program
Fund Amount: $2,000,000

Projects in this fund:

Electronic Monitoring Program

Funding will support enhanced real-time monitoring of youth placed on in-home probation or parole supervision Funding will allow for the hiring of 12 additional Juvenile Probation and Parole Officers and 4 Probation and Parole Supervisors to implement 247 monitoring of youth under community-based supervision

Project Status
Project Manager

FD Rescue Equipment
Fund Amount: $125,000

Projects in this fund:

Rescue Equipment

Funding supports six additional "jaws of life" rescue tools to equip the NOFD ladder trucks, as well as four SuperVac batter operated smoke ejector fans to allow Resue Units to help clear smoke buildings.

Participating OrganizationMES Equipment & Casco Industries
Project StatusMonitoring
Project ManagerAmy Mennelle

Fire Station Alerting System
Fund Amount: $2,500,000

Projects in this fund:

Fire Station Alerting System (FSAS) Project

Creation of a city-wide and comprehensive fire station alerting system to replace the existing system at approximately 34 fire department facilities, offering pre-alert and dispatch capabilities, audio and visual alerts, administrative features, and alternative forms of monitoring.

Participating OrganizationMotorola
Project StatusMonitoring
Project ManagerAmy Mennelle

Grounds Patrol Expansion
Fund Amount: $1,950,000

Projects in this fund:

Grounds Patrol Expansion

Addresses quality of life issues, street closures, Royal Street Pedestrian Mall and increases visibility by hiring French Quarter Grounds Patrol Lieutenant to oversee FQ deployment

Project StatusMonitoring
Project ManagerAmy Mennelle

Gun Safety Campaign
Fund Amount: $320,000

Projects in this fund:

Gun Safety Program

Funding supports purchase of handgun lockboxes, secure storage, and a gun safety campaign. This funding is an expansion of the ($2K) in funds provided from Tranche 2A of ARPA to provide handgun safes.

Participating OrganizationCHNO
Project StatusExecution
Project ManagerAmy Mennelle

Instead Programming
Fund Amount: $400,000

Projects in this fund:

Instead Programming

Funding will provide support for Ubuntu Village Nola to implement the INSTEAD program and offer rapid intervention and connection to community-based services as an alternative to ongoing prosecution and incarceration

Project Status
Project ManagerAmy Mennelle

Justice Tech Modernization Project
Fund Amount: $29,890,618

Learn more about the Justice Tech Modernization Project fund

Projects in this fund:

Justice Tech Modernization Project

Funding will replace outdated criminal justice software and create a hybrid cloud infrastructure to equip professionals with accurate and timely information to fulfill their respective missions. Upgrades to technology will provide policymakers with data to effectively plan, prioritize, and evaluate the impact of resources and allow case parties and the public at large to meaningfully interact with the justice system.

Participating OrganizationMultiple
Project StatusMonitoring
Project ManagerNathaniel Weaver

Juvenile Justice Services 
Fund Amount: $4,450,000

Projects in this fund:

Juvenile Justice Services 

Participating OrganizationMultiple
Project Status
Project ManagerAmy Mennelle

LASPCA Vehicles
Fund Amount: $340,000

Projects in this fund:

LASPCA Vehicles

New Orleans Humane Law and Rescue is the entity which is contracted to provide the city's animal control services As a result of the pandemic their vehicles were not able to be replaced and are significantly overdue for replacement This project will provide funds for replacement vehicles so that they can continue to provide animal control services

Participating OrganizationNew Orleans Humane Law and Rescue
Project Status
Project ManagerAndrew Sensi

Mounted & K9 Unit Support
Fund Amount: $1,150,855

Projects in this fund:

Mounted and Canine Unit Support

Funding supports procurement of new horse trailers, dogs, kennels, and a hot walker for the NOPD's K9 & Mounted units.

Participating OrganizationMultiple
Project StatusMonitoring
Project ManagerAmy Mennelle

NOEMS Equipment
Fund Amount: $1,798,874

Projects in this fund:

CBRNE Supply Refresh

Replace aging department supplies used in CBRNE response such as chemical antidote kits, emergency response PPE, and other medications.

Project StatusMonitoring
Project ManagerAndrew Sensi

Emergency Operations Center

Upgrade and expand technology and infrastructure in the department EOC and watch supervisor office to enable better centralized operational command/control of large incidents/disasters/and special events.

Project StatusMonitoring
Project ManagerAndrew Sensi

Field Computer Upgrades

This project will update all field computers used to document patient care and other required activities in the field. This includes replacing the aging field toughbook inventory with new equipment including required maintenance/service and connectivity. This project does not include any vehicle mounted equipment.

Project StatusMonitoring
Project ManagerAndrew Sensi

Med Surge Equipment

The Department needs to update and upgrade patient care medical equipment used in single and multi-patient emergency response. This includes equipment with a long life span and no disposable equipment.

Project StatusMonitoring
Project ManagerAndrew Sensi

PPE Refresh

Replacement of department PPE equipment such as rescue clothing including helmets, bunker gear, ballistic gear, and other wearable items used in emergency response.

Project StatusMonitoring
Project ManagerAndrew Sensi

Technology Updates

To expand and update existing office technology such as to office communications, business systems, it/computers, and other infrastructure. This does not include any field technology used in vehicles or patient care.

Project StatusMonitoring
Project ManagerAndrew Sensi

Training/Education Equipment

Funding to support advanced real world/life like simulation and teaching systems/equipment to provide cutting edge basic and advanced life support emergency medical care to our patients as well as expand our outreach to teach the community at large life saving care such as cpr and bleeding control.

Project StatusMonitoring
Project ManagerAndrew Sensi

Update Rescue Tools

Update department rescue tools.

Project StatusMonitoring
Project ManagerAndrew Sensi

NOPD Summary
Fund Amount: $3,655,094

Projects in this fund:

NOPD Operations Support

Funding will support purchases for improved service deliver of the NOPD, with a focus on improvement on the Crime Lab to ensure accreddation is maintained.

Participating OrganizationMultiple
Project StatusMonitoring
Project ManagerAmy Mennelle

Public Safety Radio Accessories
Fund Amount: $349,620

Projects in this fund:

Public Safety Radio Accessories

Funding will purchase 3 new radios for New Orleans EMS and a stock of radio accessories and parts to replace aging equipment.

Participating OrganizationMotorola
Project StatusMonitoring
Project ManagerMichal Mackie

Public Safety Vehicles
Fund Amount: $25,930,363

Projects in this fund:

CAO Public Safety Vehicles

Funding will support the replacement of public safety fleet at end of life due to increase in use in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Participating OrganizationMultiple
Project StatusClosing
Project ManagerAndrew Sensi

Recruitment & Retention of Public Safety Personnel
Fund Amount: $20,824,928

Projects in this fund:

Recruitment & Retention of Public Safety Personnel

Funding will ensure the continued deployment of a well-staffed, well-trained, and well-equipped police force and provide retention payments for public safety personnel.

Project StatusMonitoring
Project ManagerJira Williams