Administrative Hearings for Code Violations

Code Enforcement regularly holds adjudication hearings on specific blighted properties. Home owners who have received a notice to appear at a hearing about their property, please see Code Enforcement's recommended check list of important documents to bring to their hearing.

Owners may email any documentation prior to the hearing, including photos or other information the owner wants considered before judgment is rendered against the property. The general public may also email comments prior to the hearing. 

Emails should be sent to . An email for an upcoming hearing should include the word “HEARING” with the applicable property address in the subject line of the email.

For example: Documentation or comment for 123 Main Street would look like this:

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Hearing access

  • Hearing Access: Hearings may be accessed using the following methods:
  • Teleconference: Call (415) 655-0001 and use the applicable access code and password.
  • Videoconference: Use the applicable link.


Please clear your browser’s cache if you cannot see the hearing links below.

If the links below are not functioning and you wish to join by videoconference: Please call Code Enforcement at 504-658-5050 or email Code Enforcement at so that the link can be emailed to you. This should be done prior to the start time of the hearing.