

OCAI works to advance policies that promote housing affordability and thriving communities. Click below to read more about our past and ongoing policy initiatives:

  • Domestic Protection and Emergency Shelter Zoning Expansion
    • In 2023, OCAI worked with Councilmembers Harris and Moreno to permit Domestic Protection Shelters and Emergency Shelters as by right institutional uses in all zoning districts where multi-family dwellings are permitted. Prior to this legislation, shelters were only permitted by-right in certain zones within the CBD. 
  • Dwellings Above the Ground Floor
    • In 2024, OCAI worked with Cm. Lesli Harris' office to pass legislation to permit by-right Dwellings Above the Ground Floor in commericial and institutional zoning districts throughout the City. Prior to this legislation, commercial and institutional zoning districts did not allow any form of housing by-right.
  • Master Plan Amendments 2022-2023
    • From 2022-2023, OCAI worked to submit recommendations to the Future Land Use Map of the City's Master Plan. The proposed amendments focused on activating City-owned property, encouraging mixed-use corridors, and promoting affordable housing.
  • RDO-1 Residential Diversity Overlay District
    • In 2024, OCAI worked with Councilmembers Thomas, Green, and King to expand the RDO-1 Residential Diversity Overlay District, which helps bring back into commerce historic neighborhood commericial stores.
  • Small Multi-Family, Affordable
    • In 2021, OCAI worked with Councilmember Palmer to allow four-unit structures in two-family residential districts if it conforms to certain standards. This legislation was expanded in 2024 by Councilmember Harris to allow the four units to be developed in one or more structures when meeting all other yard requirements.