Dwellings Above The Ground Floor

In May 2024, OCAI worked with Cm. Lesli Harris' office to pass legislation to permit by-right Dwellings Above the Ground Floor in commericial and institutional zoning districts throughout the City. Prior to this legislation, commercial and institutional zoning districts did not allow any form of housing by-right.

Timeline of Dwellings Above the Ground Floor (DAGF) Legislation:

  • 12/14/2023: The City Council unanimously approved Motion M-23-556, which directed the City Planning Commission to call a public hearing and produce a staff report on the DAGF legislation. 
  • 2/6/2024: The City Planning Comission staff presented their staff report, which recommended approval. The City Planning Commission voted unanimously for approval on the DAGF legislation.
  • 5/2/2024: The City Council unanimously approved the DAGF legislation. District Councilmembers King, Green, and Thomas filed amendments to carve out sections of their districts from the legislation.

What is a Dwellings Above the Ground Floor (DAGF) Development?

As defined by the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, Dwellings Above the Ground Floor (DAGF) developments contain: 

“Dwelling units that are within multi-story buildings located above non-residential uses on the ground floor or located behind non-residential uses on the ground floor. In the case of dwelling units located behind non-residential uses on the ground floor, non-residential uses shall be located along the primary street frontage.” 

Where are DAGF developments permitted by-right?  

DAGF developments are permitted by-right in the following zoning districts: MU-1, MU-2, LS, S-LB1, S-LB2, S-LC, S-MU, S-LM, EC, MC, MS, and all CBD districts. 

Due to a recent change to the CZO, if the lot does not fall within the below exemptions, DAGF developments are also now permitted by-right in C-1, C-2, C-3, S-B1, and S-B2 zoning districts. 


Where are DAGF developments permitted through conditional use? 

DAGF developments are permitted through conditional use in C-1, C-2, C-3, S-B1, and SB-2 zoning districts if the lot falls within the following areas: 

  • All lots in the area bordering and bounded by Esplanade Avenue, Bayou Saint John, Lake Pontchartrain, the eastern boundary of the Orleans Parish/Saint Bernard Parish line, and the Mississippi River. 

  • All lots bordering General DeGaulle Drive between Lennox Drive and the Norman Canal. 

What are the benefits of developing a DAGF project? 

For the property owner/developer: DAGF projects are well-suited for new construction or adaptive re-use. Additionally, in C-1, C-2, C-3, S-B1, and SB-2 zones, a DAGF classification is the only way to develop residential units, which can provide a diversified income stream for your development. 

For the residents of New Orleans: Mixed-use developments like DAGF foster vibrant, amenity-rich communities. New Orleans does not build adequate multi-family housing to meet demand, which contributes to higher prices, and DAGF developments can help meet this need.