Affordable Housing Programs

Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Program

The City of New Orleans, through the Office of Community Development (OCD), awarded funds to Not-for-Profits and For Profits to implement programs and/or projects addressing Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation (OOR) programs.  

The programs are designed to accomplish affordable housing preservation goals that are established in the Consolidated Plan and are defined in the “Housing for a Resilient New Orleans” strategy for the Preservation of Affordable Housing: Substantial Rehabilitation (SR), Health and Safety (H&R), the Home Modification Program (HMP) and the Paint Program (PP).

Please contact the following agencies providing Owner Occupied Rehabilitation services for eligibility requirements:

  1. SBP, Inc. St. Bernard Project
    2645 Toulouse Street - NOLA 70119
    Dulcie Shepard, Executive Director: 
    Phone: (504)277-6831
  2. Rebuilding Together New Orleans (RTNO)
    2801 Marais Street - NOLA 70117
    William Stoudt, Executive Director:
    Phone: (504)264-1815


Affordable Housing Dashboard

A visualization of OCD-funded affordable housing developments organized by affordability terms, address, and unit count. Users can click in each visualization to filter on that topic or choose from the various drop-down menus at the top of the page to drill down on certain topics. Developments are displayed on the map based on location, funding expiration year and number of affordable units. The reset button clears all filters.

View the Affordable Housing dashboard