
Along with the Office of Performance and Accountability, The Office of Community Development regularly issues reports detailing progress in the development and maintenance of an effective system of housing, public service, and continuum of care needs for New Orleans and the surrounding areas.

Consolidated Plan (2017-2021)

The Consolidated Plan is the City’s planning and application document for four formula grants that address community development and affordable housing. The Consolidated Plan includes in its report: a needs assessment and market analysis for Orleans Parish and its population, as well as a Strategic Plan that outlines the annual Action Plan developed to implement needed programs and services to the community.

  • Download the most recent Consolidated Plan here.

Consolidated Annual Evaluation & Performance Report (CAPER)

The Consolidated Annual Evaluation & Performance Report (CAPER) provides a description of the activities funded under the four formula grants received by the City of New Orleans from the U.S. Housing & Urban Development (HUD) Department on an annual basis. These grants are: the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), the HOME Investment Partnership, Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), and the Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) program. The CAPER reports of the accomplishments chronicled in the Consolidated Plan, measuring program beneficiary outcomes

  • Download the most recent CAPER report here.

Office of Performance and Accountability Reports

In addition to reports made by the Office of Community Development, reports and updates on specific issues can be found at the following links:

  • ResultsNOLA - provides information and reports to the citizens and City Council to assess department performance, and to enable City leaders, department managers, and staff to make decisions that improve performance. The reports include output and process results for programs and services that are of the most importance to the community.
  • BlightStat - the monthly public meeting run by the Office of Performance and Accountability, which tracks New Orleans' blight eradication process