Business Information Sessions

Connecting People and Businesses to Opportunities

The City of New Orleans Office of Economic Development invites you to attend a virtual business information session or webinar.

Below is a list of upcoming Business Information Sessions.

Tuesday, October 29, 2024 (1:30pm – 3:00pm)

The Office of Procurement/Bureau of Purchasing - "Doing Business with the City of New Orleans”

The Department of Finance-Bureau of Revenue - “Special Event Permits”

Thursday, October 31, 2024 (1:30pm – 3:00pm)

The Department of Safety & Permits – “Navigating the One Stop App & Short Term Rentals”

Click here to register or email Margrett Magee at

View Previously Recorded Business Information Sessions & Webinars

Business Information Sessions Feedback Survey

Overall, how would you rate this Business Information Session? *

Please rate the following aspects of the session presentations

Relevance of the session topics *

Usefulness of information *

Quality of the Presentations *

Handouts provided *

Session Information

Based on your experience at this session, how likely are you to attend future sessions *
