Historic Landmarks & Districts

Official-Landmarks-List_3The New Orleans and Central Business District Historic District Landmarks Commissions may also nominate and designate individual structures or sites as landmarks. Designated landmarks are typically of particular historic, architectural or cultural significance. Some well-known landmarks include the Pitot House, the Hibernia Bank building, the Lombard house, Our Lady of Guadeloupe church and Leeds foundry.

Nominated and Designated Landmarks

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Criteria for Landmark Designation

A structure or site must meet one of four of the criteria below to be considered for designation as a landmark:

  1. Exemplify or reflect the broad cultural, political, economic or social history of the nation, state or community;
  2. Are identified with historic personages or with important events in national, state or local history
  3. Embody distinguishing characteristics of an architectural type or specimen, inherently valuable for a study of a period, style, method of construction, or of indigenous materials or craftsmanship;
  4. Are representative of the notable work of a master builder, designer or architect whose individual ability has been recognized.

How to Nominate a Building as a Historic Landmark

  1. Submit a brief history of the structure of the site and statement of significance to the Staff of the HDLC.
  2. Staff will perform basic research on the site or structure and present a nomination report to the commission at its regular monthly meeting and give a recommendation for or against its nomination.
  3. If nominated, the building will be placed under the jurisdiction of the Commission during a period of study.
  4. During the period of study, the staff of the HDLC will perform comprehensive research into the site or structure. A designation report will be written and presented to the Commission at a regularly scheduled meeting.  The staff will make a recommendation for or against the designation of the property based on the four criteria set forth in Chapter 84.-21. The Commission will then vote for or against the designation of the site or structure as a landmark.
  5. Central Business District Landmarks must then be ratified by the City Council.