Electronic Monitoring Program

The Orleans Parish Juvenile Court (OPJC) uses electronic monitoring technology, as provided by the City of New Orleans through the Orleans Parish Sherriff’s Office (OPSO), as an alternative to detention for youth arrested for alleged delinquent acts; found delinquent as a result of the commission of an offense and/or due to violation of probation conditions.

The goals of the Electronic Monitoring (EM) are to prevent recidivism and more efficiently monitor and prevent violations of curfew and territorial restrictions and to assure the presence of the youth in court.

The OPSO uses electronic monitoring technology on youth referred through the Intake process or by the Judges of the OPJC consistent with the Risk Assessment Instrument (RAI) and with a view toward public safety.

Youth placed in the electronic monitoring program (EMP) are determined through a process established by the OPJC through the Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI) Advisory Board. The purpose of this process is to ensure consistency in applying the selection criteria.

Youth will be considered for electronic monitoring based on their criminal history, threat to the community, pending charges and Risk Assessment Instrument (RAI) score.

Eligible Youth

  • Ages: 10 – 17
  • RAI score: 10 – 11
  • Pre- Adjudication or Disposition

For more information or assistance please call (504)-658-9603