
December 1, 2024 | From City of New Orleans

The City Of New Orleans Offers Condolences and Prayers

The City Of New Orleans is saddened by the loss of life as a result of the incidents that took place Saturday on Wiilow Street and Tara Lane. On behalf of the people of New Orleans we offer condolences to the families.
We also ask that the community join us and offer prayers to the other victims that reports say were injured by gunfire in the downtown area, Canal Street and on Read Boulevard.
The City Of New Orleans strongly condemns the gun violence that took place and our NOPD Officers are working to investigate those matters and bring those responsible to justice.
The City Of New Orleans is asking the public to call (504) 658-5300 or contact Crimestoppers at (504) 822-1111 if they have information to assist the NOPD.