Pest Control and Wildlife Assistance in New Orleans

Report an Infestation: To report mosquito, rodent, or termite issues, call 311:

  • Available Monday through Friday
  • Hours: 8 AM to 5 PM

Nuisance Wildlife Removal: For concerns about other wildlife, please consult our Nuisance Wildlife Removal contacts list. We provide suggested resources for various animal-related issues.

Bug Identification Service: Unsure about a bug you've found? Our expert entomologists can help!

  • Submit an "Identify Your Bug" on our website
  • Our staff will assist in identifying the insect
  • This service is available for any unidentified bugs or insect-related problems

The New Orleans Mosquito, Termite and Rodent Control Board is committed to helping our community manage pest issues effectively. Whether you're dealing with common pests or encountering unfamiliar insects, we're here to provide expert assistance and guidance.


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