April 22, 2023 | From City of New Orleans
A Neighborhood Cares Day on April 22nd, 2023 at Taylor Park
On Saturday, April 22, the Mayor’s Neighborhood Engagement Office (NEO) held its TENTH installment of the Neighborhood Cares Initiative, this time in Hoffman Triangle at Taylor Park.
Over 40 volunteers, including Mayor Cantrell, spent the morning cleaning the community, collecting over 75 trash bags and over a dozen bulk items. In addition, volunteers assembled benches and painted the support beams of the basketball court.
City departments patched over 50 potholes, cut twenty-seven overgrown lots, and cleared over a dozen dumping sites throughout the neighborhood. At the community resource fair, 16 city agencies and nonprofits engaged residents and provided them with useful information.
Thrive New Orleans gave away nearly 300 garments of brand new clothing to community members. The event also featured free food, sno-balls, and a complimentary game truck.
Children’s Hospital/LCMC and the New Orleans Health Department gave away or signed residents up to receive over 100 gun locks, biometric boxes and some cable locks.
Please click here to view the recap video: https://nolagov.sharepoint.com/:v:/s/neighborhoods-NeighborhoodCareInitiative/EXmiKXSvWcVDk3o6Ke7nT8EBqHN7TKXchcn6XMRVquoyOA?e=Unoh0J&utm_campaign=City_of_New_Orleans&utm_content=&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery&utm_term=