October 2, 2014 | From City of New Orleans
Dancing for Social Change, and Other Community-Building Events
On Friday, May 9th, Mayor Mitch Landrieu, The Neighborhood Capacity Building Initiative (NCBI) and the Mayor’s Neighborhood Engagement Office announced the Creating Communities for Change campaign, which funded 13 community-building projects across the city.
Dancing Grounds, one of the grant recipients, used these funds to host a free dance festival in Central City. Bringing together artists, activists, and citizens on Sunday, September 21st, 2014, “Dance for Social Change: Overcoming Violence” sought to inspire new forms of dialogue and action about the key issues confronting the neighborhood. Read more about the festival.
Don’t miss these upcoming events from other recipients of the Creating Communities for Change grants:
October 3rd: Lower Ninth Ward Market The Lower 9th Ward Village is working with a range of partners to implement a Market that addresses food access--one of the community’s most pressing needs. The Lower 9th Ward Market will provide fresh local produce at affordable prices.
October 4th: Lafitte Greenway Expo Friends of Lafitte Corridor will host a Lafitte Corridor Expo, where residents and community leaders along the future Lafitte Greenway can meet, learn about the project, provide valuable feedback, and get resources from businesses and organizations located in the Lafitte Corridor. The Expo will highlight community assets, such as musical and cultural groups, businesses, neighborhood associations and other local community groups.
October 23rd: All Souls Playground Ribbon Cutting Ceremony The Center, which provides multiple services and opportunities for local children residing in the Lower 9th Ward, will utilize project funds to obtain and install a swing set on their campus, as well as improving playground security with fencing and two security cameras.
October 25th: Hollygrove Neighbors Blight Summit The Hollygrove “Super Clean-up Project” is a multi-level project to improve the overall neighborhood while building relationships among neighbors and the entire community. This stage of the project will host a blight summit for residents to learn about and discuss City processes surrounding blighted property.