Local Resources for Survivors

Find Help Now:

  • View the Crime Survivors NOLA extensive guide with many additional resources.
  • For a quick overview of local domestic and sexual violence resources and information Click Here 


New Orleans Family Justice Center (NOFJC)

  • 701 Loyola Ave, St 201, New Orleans, LA 70113
  • NOFJC ● (504) 866-9554
  • Services provided: emergency shelter, individual advocacy, information and referrals, group support, children's program, medical advocacy, forensic medical exams, primary care, legal assistance, counseling, safety planning, and caregiver support

Metro Centers for Community Advocacy

  • Multiple locations in Jefferson, St. Tammany, Gretna, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, and River Parishes (St. Charles, St. John, and St. James)
  • MCCAGNO ● (504) 837-5400
  • Services provided: emergency shelter, individual advocacy, information and referrals, group support, children's program, medical advocacy, legal assistance in obtaining restraining orders, counseling, safety planning, and caregiver support

Women with a Vision

  • 1226 Broad St., New Orleans, LA 70119
  • WWAV ● (504) 302-8822
  • Services provided: advocacy, health education and supportive services, specializing in free healing services for marginalized groups, including LGBTQ individuals and sex workers

Sexual Trauma Awareness and Response (STAR)

  • 123 N Genois St, New Orleans, LA 70119
  • STAR ● (855) 435-STAR
  • Services provided: individual advocacy, information and referrals, group support, medical advocacy, legal assistance, counseling, and safety planning for survivors of sexual assault


University Medical Center (UMC)

  • 2000 Canal St, New Orleans, LA 70112
  • UMC Forensic Program ● (504) 702-3000
  • Services provided: free forensic medical exams for sexual assault and domestic violence, which can be performed up to 5 days after an incident. It is not necessary to make a police report to receive a forensic medical exam


Project Save

  • 1000 Howard Ave, St 200, New Orleans, LA 70113
  • Project SAVE ● (504) 310-6872
  • Services provided: free emergency legal representation for survivors of doemstic violence residing in Orleans Parish. Legal services may include temporary restraining orders, temporary child support, custody, and use of property

Southeast Louisiana Legal Services (SLLS)

  • 1340 Poydras St, St 600, New Orleans, LA 70112
  • SLLS ● (504) 529-1000
  • Services provided: free legal representation for survivors of domestic violence residing in Orleans Parish. Legal services may include temporary child support, custody, and divorce


Louisiana Statewide Domestic Violence Hotline

  • LCADV ● (888) 411-1333
  • Services provided: free and confidential hotline for victims and survivors of domestic violence. All calls will be routed to a domestic violence service provided in the victim or survivor's area

Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault Hotline

  • LaFASA ● Call (888) 995-7273 ● Text (225) 351-7233
  • Services provided: free and confidential hotline for victims and survivors of sexual assault, loved ones of survivors, and care providers

National Human Trafficking Hotline

  • (888) 373-7888
  • Services provided: national anti-trafficking hotline serving victims and survivors of human trafficking. Provides information about local resources, and access to safe space to report tips, seek services, and ask for help

VIA Link

  • 211 or (800) 273-8255
  • Service provided: counselors can provide crisis counseling. Counselors can also provide information and referrals to programs which can help with needs such as food, shelter, medical care, financial assistance, mental health services, substance abuse treatment, senior services, childcare, and more.



Survivors, Let Us Hear Your Voice!

If you would like to discuss your experience as a survivor of domestic or sexual violence in New Orleans, we would like to hear from you! Please contact us for more information by clicking here.