Provider Resources

Building a Safer New Orleans

The DV/SA Program coordinates the community response to domestic and sexual violence. We offer specialized training, coordinate multi-agency teams, and develop initiatives that strengthen our community's ability to enhance response, support survivors, and prevent violence.

Open Working Groups

The Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Action Coalition (SA/DV Coalition)

The Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Action Coalition meets monthly to discuss current topics and trends that are relevant to supporting survivors in the Greater New Orleans Area. The Action Coalition is comprised of SA and DV advocates from across the region who work in various advocacy capacities (for example university, hospital, military, community, law enforcement, grass roots, etc.). This meeting provides a networking opportunity for people who are interested in or doing this work. Meetings are comprised of collaboration-building activities, presentations, trainings, and more. Meetings are held in-person on the third Friday of every month from 9:30-11a. To be added to the listserv and learn more about the Action Coalition please email us

The Greater New Orleans Campus Coalition on Sexual and Domestic Violence (CCSDV) 

The Greater New Orleans Campus Coalition on Sexual and Domestic Violence (CCSDV) is comprised of campus staff and faculty from across the Greater New Orleans area, advocacy organizations, and community partners, who come together quarterly to discuss sexual and domestic violence on college campuses. Key campus members include Women's Centers, Title IX Directors, Residential Services, and Campus Police. Meeting topics include knowledge sharing and updates on ongoing projects,  relevant initiatives on campuses, and trainings or learning sessions around Title IX and campus rights. The group aims to close the gaps between sexual and domestic violence education and responses on campuses focusing on awareness, risk-reduction, prevention, and response.     

Closed Multidisciplinary Teams and Task Forces

The New Orleans Domestic Violence Multidisciplinary Team (DV MDT)

The New Orleans Domestic Violence Multidisciplinary Team (DV MDT) works to create and maintain a streamlined, collaborative, and victim-centered response to domestic violence that supports survivors and holds those who cause harm accountable. The DV MDT meets bi-monthly to discuss high risk and high needs DV cases to ensure that survivors' needs are being met to the best of all agencies’ abilities and to highlight systemic DV issues and trends.

The New Orleans Sexual Assault Response Team (SART)

The New Orleans Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) holds monthly multi-disciplinary case review meetings to evaluate and improve institutional systems responses to sexual violence and ensure that survivors are connected to resources, safety, and support. The SART works to minimize the trauma for sexual assault survivors when seeking medical and legal assistance, such as reducing repeated questioning and increasing effective collection and preservation of evidence. A team approach to meeting survivors’ needs has been shown to increase the likelihood of seeking follow-up services and promote healing. The SART includes members from the New Orleans Police Department, Orleans Parish District Attorney’s Office, New Orleans Health Department, New Orleans Family Justice Center, Sexual Trauma Awareness Response, University Medical Center, and the Louisiana State Police Crime Lab.

DV Firearms Transfer Task Force

Beginning in 2018, the New Orleans Health Department has convened a task force to discuss the coordination of implementing new state legislation on transferring firearms away from people who are prohibited from possessing firearms due to domestic violence. Core partners on the Task Force include the New Orleans Police Department, Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office, Orleans Parish Criminal District Court, and New Orleans Family Justice Center. Current law states that anyone who is subject to a domestic violence protection order (either civil or criminal) and anyone who is convicted of a domestic violence misdemeanor must transfer their firearms to a local law enforcement agency or third party for either the duration of the protection order or for 10 years after a misdemeanor conviction. Research shows that firearm transfer laws can be effective at reducing domestic homicides, but also demonstrates that stronger laws and enforcement of statutes lead to better success in preventing violence. The DV Firearms Transfer Task Force has made much progress in complying with new state and existing federal legislation, but more remains to be done around translating protocols into actual transfers of firearms away from prohibited possessors and make a meaningful impact on improving public health and safety.

Programs & Initiatives

Advocacy Initiated Response (AIR) Program

In May of 2022, the New Orleans Health Department, in partnership with the New Orleans Family Justice Center (NOFJC), New Orleans Police Department, and Orleans Parish Communication District launched the Advocacy-Initiated Response (AIR) Pilot Program in NOPD's 3rd District.

  • The AIR program is an intervention for domestic violence to increase victim safety, provide linkages to resources, and disrupt violence in the community.

  • Community-based AIR Triage Advocates from the NOFJC contact victims directly after law enforcement responds to a domestic incident or disturbance with the goals of providing critical linkages to services and resources, enhancing safety and preventing repeat incidents.

For more information on initial program outcomes, click here.

The New Orleans Blueprint for Safety

The City of New Orleans was selected in 2011 as one of three national sites for the Blueprint for Safety Adaptation Demonstration Initiative, a project of the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice, in partnership with Praxis International. Praxis and OVW worked with the New Orleans Blueprint for Safety to enhance the city's criminal legal response to domestic violence. Through this initiative, Praxis provided direct, specialized technical assistance to create customized versions of "The Blueprint for Safety: An Interagency Response to Domestic Violence Crimes (The Blueprint)" which can be found  below:

Training and Technical Assistance

NOHD's DV & SA Program is available to provide free training and technical assistance, examples below. Please email us for more information.

Domestic Violence 101 

Standard Length: 1 hour 

Ideal for: Any professional or agency seeking to understand more about domestic violence 

  • Participants will leave with an understanding of: 
    • Domestic violence dynamics 
    • Power and control in abusive relationships 
    • Common reactions to trauma 
    • The impact of domestic violence as a community and public health issue 
    • Local resources for survivor referrals 

Responding to Survivors of DV and Navigating Local Systems 

Standard Length: 1 hour 

Ideal for: Any professional or agency seeking to understand more about domestic violence 

  • Participants will leave with an understanding of: 
    • Identifying signs of domestic violence 
    • Techniques to use when assisting survivors in a crisis situation 
    • Basic safety planning 
    • How to refer survivors to local resources 

Combined DV 101 & Responding to Survivors and Navigating Local Systems 

  • Standard Length: 1.5 hours 

Blueprint for Safety Partner Policy Training 

Standard Length: 1 hour 

Ideal for: Professionals working at Orleans Parish Communications District, New Orleans Police Department, Orleans Parish District Attorney’s Office, Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office, Department of Corrections, The New Orleans Family Justice Center, Criminal District Court, Municipal Court, or Civil Court. 

This training provides information regarding domestic violence dynamics and how criminal legal partners respond to domestic violence. This training can be modified to meet each agency's specific needs.

  • Participants will leave with an understanding of: 
    • Domestic violence dynamics 
    • Power and control in abusive relationships 
    • The Blueprint for Safety manual training (Agency Specific) 
    • Local resources for survivor referrals 

Sexual Violence 101 

Standard Length: 1-1.5 hours 

Ideal for: Any professional or agency seeking to understand more about sexual violence.  

This training provides a basic introduction to gender-based and sexual violence including definitions, defining consent and statistics.

  • Participants will leave with an understanding of:  
    • Types of sexual violence   
    • Understanding its impact as a community and public health issue  
    • Common reactions to trauma  
    • Local resources for survivor referrals 

Responding to Sexual Violence and Navigating Local Systems 

Standard Length: 1-1.5 hours 

Ideal for: Any professional or agency seeking to understand more about sexual violence.  

This training provides a basic introduction to gender-based and sexual violence including definitions, defining consent and statistics.

  • Participants will leave with an understanding of:  
    • Types of sexual violence  
    • Understanding its impact as a community and public health issue  
    • Common reactions to trauma  
    • Local resources for survivor referrals 

Addressing Sexual Violence while in Treatment 

Standard Length: 1-1.5 hours 

Ideal for: Any rehabilitation center seeking to help patients understand more about sexual violence and its impact on their recovery and healing.  

This training provides a basic introduction to gender-based and sexual violence including definitions, defining consent and statistics.

  • Participants will leave with an understanding of:  
    • Types of sexual violence  
    • Understanding its impact as a community and public health issue  
    • Common reactions to trauma  
    • Local resources for survivor referrals 

Human Trafficking 101 

Standard Length: 1-1.5 hours  

Ideal for: Any professional or agency seeking to understand more about human trafficking.  

This training provides a basic introduction to human-trafficking including sex trafficking and forced labor trafficking.

  • Participants will leave with an understanding of:  
    • Foundational knowledge about human trafficking  
    • Signs of and language used for human trafficking 
    • Understanding its impact as a community and public health issue  
    • Common reactions to trauma  
    • Local resources for survivor referral