Program Reports and Impact Studies

Advocacy Initiated Response: Pilot Program Analysis

In May 2022, NOHD, in partnership with the New Orleans Family Justice Center (NOFJC), New Orleans Police Department (NOPD), and Orleans Parish Communication District (OPCD) launched the Advocacy-Initiated Response (AIR) Pilot Program in NOPD's 3rd District. For more information on the pilot program's first year outcomes, please see the links below:

Mayor's Domestic Violence Working Group

Since 2014, NOHD has coordinated the criminal justice response to domestic violence and implemented policies, training, monitoring, and improvements across New Orleans criminal justice and partner community-based agencies. The Mayor’s Domestic Violence Working Group is comprised of key personnel from partner agencies, government officials, and local experts to direct the City’s commitment to address domestic violence. The Working Group meets quarterly to discuss the impact of the criminal justice system, troubleshoot current issues, and bring together decision-makers to communicate in a neutral space. High-level representatives from partner agencies regularly attend and make robust contributions to coordinated community response activities.

See below for recent monitoring and data review reports created for the Working Group: 

Sexual Violence Response Advisory Committee (SVARC)

The Sexual Violence Response Advisory Committee was established in 2014, and functions to create recommendations for systemic reforms necessary to thoroughly investigate sexual assault and to respect and protect sexual assault survivors.

The Committee creates structures of accountability to ensure long-term best practices and has sought input from survivors, advocates, the District Attorney’s office, forensic medical providers, and NOPD to identify problems and to offer solutions.

See below for reports created by the Working Group:

New Orleans Domestic Abuse Fatality Review Team (NODAFRT)

Capturing the most extreme outcomes, domestic fatalities make up only a small fraction of all domestic abuse-related incidents. However, the impact that domestic fatalities have on families and communities is devastating. Starting in 2019, the NOHD's DV & SA Program began reviewing domestic fatality characteristics to contextualize and document this issue in New Orleans.

In 2021 NOHD’s DV & SA Program began creating a fatality review team with representation from over 20 community and criminal justice organizations to continue analyzing domestic abuse-related fatalities in New Orleans, identify gaps in systemic interventions, and determine recommendations for preventing future fatalities.

In 2022, the New Orleans City Council and the Mayor of New Orleans established a formal Domestic Abuse Fatality Review Team with the passage of an ordinance to ordain Article XIV of Chapter 82 of the Code of the City of New Orleans. In January 2023 the Louisiana Domestic Abuse Fatality Review Panel voted to include the New Orleans Domestic Abuse Fatality Review Team (“New Orleans DAFRT” or “the team”) as a local domestic abuse fatality review panel for the state of Louisiana per Louisiana Revised Statute 40:2024.1-6. 

For more information on past reports, please see the links below: