New Orleans Medical Reserve Corps (NOMRC)

Strengthening Our Community's Emergency Response

Who We Are The NOMRC unites healthcare professionals and public health experts who volunteer their skills during emergencies. Our diverse team supplements New Orleans' emergency preparedness and response capabilities when our community needs it most.

Join Our Team We welcome:

  • Active and retired healthcare professionals
  • Licensed social workers
  • Mental health specialists
  • Medical interpreters
  • Public health practitioners
  • Allied health professionals

For more information about the Medical Reserve Corps, check out the National MRC website 

How to Sign Up

Step 1: Review the following documents and sign them. You will submit these documents in Step 2.

Step 2: Register in the City of New Orleans Volunteer Management System

Better Impact is the volunteer system that the City of New Orleans uses to manage sign-ups, trainings, and track volunteer hours Upload the signed documents from Step 1 in your Better Impact profile.

Step 3: Register in the State Volunteering System, Louisiana Volunteers in Action (LAVA)

  1. Go to
  2. Click on "Register Here"
  3. Go to "Add organizations"
  4. Select "Medical Reserve Corps" 
  5. Select "New Orleans Area Regional Medical Corps
  6. Answer all Account Information questions
  7. Click "Next"
  8. Answer all Account Information questions
  9. Click "Next"
  10. You will now see your home page for LAVA. Please click on "My Profile"
  11. Go through each of the boxes at the top of the page and enter the necessary information by selecting "edit information."

For questions, please contact the NOMRC Coordinator at

Required Online Training

  • FEMA IS-100 is an introduction to incident command system and will give volunteers an understanding of the structure used during emergencies.
  • FEMA IS-700 is an introduction to national incident management system and will show volunteers how agencies respond and coordinate services during emergencies.
  • Psychological First Aid is a promising practice for disaster behavioral health response and recovery. PFA intervention strategies are intended for use with children, adolescents, parents and caretakers, families, and adults who are survivors or witnesses exposed to disaster or terrorism. PFA and SPR can also be provided to first responders and other disaster relief workers.