Protecting Your Health in New Orleans' Music Culture

Why Sound Safety Matters In our vibrant music city, sound isn't just about entertainment - it's about health. Exposure to loud music can cause permanent hearing damage and contribute to serious health issues like high blood pressure and heart disease. Even if you've "gotten used to" loud sounds, your body is still being affected.

For Musicians

Preserving Your Art and Health Keep the Music Safe:

  • Start with warmups at 85 dB or lower (about the volume of city traffic)
  • Invest in professional-grade ear protection designed for musicians
  • Use sound monitoring apps during performances to maintain safe levels Your hearing is your livelihood - protect it.

For Venue Owners

Creating Healthy Spaces Smart Sound Management:

  • Strategic speaker placement (10 feet from doors, facing inward)
  • Provide hearing protection for all staff members
  • Regular sound level monitoring with apps like NoiseWatch
  • Train staff on sound safety protocols Good sound management means happy neighbors and healthy customers.

Personal Protection Strategies:

Understanding Sound Exposure

  • Learn to recognize dangerous noise levels
  • Use sound meter apps to measure volume
  • Know how long you can safely stay in loud environments

Active Protection Steps

  • Distance yourself from speakers
  • Take regular breaks from loud areas
  • Use properly fitted ear protection
  • Consider custom-molded ear plugs for frequent exposure

Professional Care and Monitoring

  • Schedule annual hearing checkups
  • Get professional fitting for ear protection
  • Learn proper insertion techniques for ear plugs
  • Monitor any changes in your hearing
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