Morrison Road Improvements

The Morrison Road (Mayo-Bullard) project is a $23.6M street improvement project. Funding for this project is split between the Federal Highway Administration (80%) and the City of New Orleans bond program (20%). The scope of work varies by block and includes bridge reconstruction, pavement repairs, streetscape improvements such as ADA-compliant curb ramps, sidewalk repairs, additional greenspace, and bike lanes. This project also includes the reduction of one travel lane in the Eastbound direction only to facilitate multimodal accommodations and reduce speeding.


The scope of work for this project includes:

  • Pavement repairs;
  • Repairs to three bridges on the eastbound side;
  • Replacements of two bridges on the eastbound side;
  • Installation of Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant curb ramps;
  • Two-way curb-protected bike lanes along the eastbound side of the Morrison Canal;
  • Additional neutral ground green spaces at Lake Willow Drive and Benson Street intersections; and
  • High visibility crosswalks at major intersections.

Read full factsheet here.