Bourbon Street Bollard Assessment & Replacement Project

Image of Bourbon Street Bollard Assessment & Replacement Project

The Department of Public Works has contracted Hard Rock Construction Co., LLC to remove and replace the current bollard system as part of the Bourbon Street Bollard Assessment & Replacement Project. Construction began in November 2024 and is scheduled to continue through February 2025, weather permitting. The project includes replacing old bollards with new removable stainless-steel bollards and sidewalk repairs at various locations.

The current bollards on Bourbon Street, from Canal Street to St. Ann Street, will be replaced with new removable stainless-steel bollards. These can be securely locked behind each crosswalk. Construction will focus on the first 60 feet of each block where the old bollards are. The road will be taken out and replaced to put in the new bollards. Some sidewalk repairs, like fixing missing bricks, will also be done. The removable bollards will help close the street to cars during pedestrian-only times but will be stored away when the street is open to all traffic.

Project Location  

  • Bourbon Street (Canal Street – St. Ann Street)

Construction Sequencing:

The contractor will begin by removing bollards along Bourbon Street and replacing them with temporary asphalt to maintain vehicle access. After the bollards are removed, construction will proceed in phases, working on both sides of each cross street without closing intersections to vehicle traffic. Each phase will last approximately 3-4 weeks. See map below for sequencing details. Once roadway work is completed, the street will reopen for pedestrians, though some sidewalks may remain closed. Deliveries and trash operations will continue with the help of flaggers at each block's ends. ADA access will be maintained. Up to two crews may work at one time.

The contractor will begin by removing bollards along Bourbon Street and replacing them with temporary asphalt to maintain vehicle access. After the bollards are removed, construction will proceed in phases, working on both sides of each cross street without closing intersections to vehicle traffic. Each phase will last approximately 3-4 weeks. See map below for sequencing details. Once roadway work is completed, the street will reopen for pedestrians, though some sidewalks may remain closed. Deliveries and trash operations will continue with the help of flaggers at each block's ends. ADA access will be maintained. Up to two crews may work at one time.

Project Benefits

 Enhanced Public Safety:

  • Elimination of pedestrian tripping hazards associated with the current bollard system
  • Sidewalk improvements
  • Increased pedestrian safety by extending pedestrian mall closure intersection to intersection
  • Increased ease of use for the bollard implantation team, to facilitate daily closures

What to Expect During Construction

Temporary Construction Impacts:

  • Limited parking availability due to Bourbon Street closures
  • Vehicular access to Bourbon Street
  • Construction noise during working hours
  • Dust
  • Fencing: Only areas with ongoing construction on Bourbon St. will be screened for safety to minimize disruptions
  • Parking/Garbage: Restricted parking on side streets as temporary garbage corrals will be designated with affixed signs and roadway markings
  • There will be intermittent sidewalk closures throughout construction.

 The City of New Orleans Department of Public Works will manage the project during construction. The typical working hours are 7 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday. Weekend work will occur as needed. 

Safety is our top priority; during construction, traffic control will be implemented and "No Parking/Tow Away Zone" signs will be posted in active work areas. Local access for residents, deliveries and emergency services will be provided at all times during work hours.  Signage and traffic control measures such as barrels and fencing will be onsite to direct drivers and pedestrians.

Please note: Construction schedules, dates, and durations are subject to change due to rain, equipment breakdown, unforeseen field conditions, existing utility conflicts, or crew availability.


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