Christmas Tree Recycling

For over 25 years, the City of New Orleans has partnered with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Louisiana Army National Guard in the annual Christmas Tree Recycling Program. New Orleans residents participate in the program by placing their trees curbside for collection or dropping them off at designated sites. The recycled trees are placed in the wetlands at Bayou Sauvage Urban National Wildlife Refuge to help protect the natural marsh and shoreline by reducing wave action and slowing erosion. The trees also create new habitats for the birds, fish, and other wildlife that live in the refuge. Diverting trees from the landfill aligns with the City of New Orleans’ Climate Action Plan to decrease the amount of waste going into the landfill. This innovative program provides an eco-friendly solution for post-holiday trees. Over the years, the recycled trees have restored marsh across an area equal to almost 200 football fields in Bayou Sauvage. 

Thanks to all residents who participated in the City of New Orleans’ Christmas Tree Recycling Program this year.  We collected 9,000 trees: one thousand more than last year.  Other contributors of trees for the recycling program include City Park’s Celebration in the Oaks, A’s Toy Soldier, AB Tree Farms and Home Depot in New Orleans East.

In addition to regular recycling pickup by the Department of Sanitation’s contractors, this year the City offered the option for residents to call 311 for individual home pickups and established drop off sites on the east and west banks. Over 500 residents called 311 for tree pickup!

The trees will be sorted, bundled and airlifted by helicopter to be dropped in targeted sections of the Bayou Sauvage Urban National Wildlife Refuge in the spring. The project benefits the City of New Orleans and surrounding coastal environment while also providing valuable training hours for pilots and crewmembers of the 1st Assault Helicopter Battalion, 244th Aviation Regiment.