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June 11, 2022 | From City of New Orleans


Mayor LaToya Cantrell today issued the following statement urging Lakeview residents to take flood mitigation seriously

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September 20, 2021 | From City of New Orleans

Traffic Advisory: Girod St. Closure Between O’Keefe Ave. and S. Rampart St. Continues through Jan. 31

NEW ORLEANS — The City of New Orleans Department of Public Works will continue the existing temporary closure to through traffic on the lake-bound side of Girod Street between O’Keefe Avenue and South Rampart Street through Sunday, Jan. 31, 2021. This closure is a part of the Office of Transportation, Department of Public Works and Office of Economic Development’s Outdoor Streateries Pilot Program

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September 20, 2021 | From City of New Orleans

City to Partner with New, Local Nonprofit to Bring Bike Share Back to New Orleans

NEW ORLEANS — Mayor LaToya Cantrell today expressed approval of the City's partnership with a new local nonprofit organization, Blue Krewe of New Orleans, to bring bike share back to the City of New Orleans. Blue Krewe will ensure a healthy, equitable transportation option established and operated by and for the people of New Orleans. Bike share is a proven transportation solution for New Orleans with many benefits for residents and visitors.

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September 20, 2021 | From City of New Orleans

City of New Orleans to Reactivate School Zone Safety Cameras on Monday

NEW ORLEANS — The City of New Orleans today announced that school zone cameras will be reactivated on Monday, Feb. 8, 2021, at 7 a.m. The automated photo enforcement program is one component of the City's efforts to reduce speeding and increase safety on our streets. 

City of New Orleans fleur de lis logo

September 20, 2021 | From City of New Orleans


NEW ORLEANS — Mayor Cantrell today issued the following statement on the announcement that Amtrak would restore its rail service connecting New Orleans to Mobile:

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September 20, 2021 | From City of New Orleans

Traffic Advisory: Temporary Traffic Modification along Sage Street, Dahlia Walk and Peoples Avenue in Edgewood Park Subdivision

NEW ORLEANS — Beginning Saturday, July 17, Dahlia Walk and Sage Street will operate as a one-way from Peoples to Franklin Avenues for two months as part of a neighborhood-led Complete Streets demonstration project to promote safer traffic flow in the area. Public safety is our priority; signage will be in place throughout and for the duration of the demonstration project.

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June 23, 2021 | From City of New Orleans

City of New Orleans and Entergy New Orleans Launch Resident Survey for Public Electric Vehicle Charging Locations

NEW ORLEANS — The City of New Orleans, in partnership with Entergy New Orleans, is launching a survey to collect public input on future electric vehicle charging station locations. All residents are encouraged to participate, especially current or future owners of an electric vehicle (EV) and business owners in Orleans Parish. In addition, the City and Entergy are asking for input beyond Orleans Parish residents to identify EV locations helpful for travelers.

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December 19, 2020 | From City of New Orleans


NEW ORLEANS — With an unprecedented year, facing numerous emergencies but remaining steadfast, Mayor LaToya Cantrell marked a year of substantial progress in the 2020 calendar year. Mayor Cantrell pointed to these accomplishments as well as highlighting the responses to these emergencies in an update to residents.

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December 19, 2020 | From City of New Orleans

Thursday: Algiers Residents Invited to Teleconference to Discuss Moving New Orleans Bikes Work

NEW ORLEANS — As part of the Moving New Orleans Bikes initiative, the Mayor’s Office of Transportation and the Department of Public Works on Thursday, April 16, will host a teleconference to discuss the build-out of three new bike corridors in Algiers. This will be the first of two meetings this month and is a follow-up to the conceptual design meetings held in August 2019. The meeting will run from 6 p.m.-7:30 p.m.

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