The potential impacts of this project on the surrounding community and environment are:
· Sounds – The solar panels do not generate sounds once they are installed. As a result, the presence of a solar array at this site would not introduce a new source of sounds to the area.
· Floodplains and Wetlands – The site is a disturbed land with no impacts to floodplains or wetlands.
· Air Quality – During construction of the solar facility, particulate matters can be generated (mainly dust from vehicular traffic); however, with the implementation of best management practices, the impact should be minimized.
· Radiation – Electric and magnetic fields together are called electromagnetic field or electromagnetic radiation. These electromagnetic fields are in the spectrum, with low frequency radiation on the low end (i.e., power lines) and high frequency radiation on the high end (i.e., x-rays). Low frequency radiation is less harmful than high frequency. The World Health Organization states that electricity from solar panels and power transmission grid emit extremely weak electromagnetics. Exposure to low level electromagnetic fields has been studied extensively and no evidence has been found that exposure is harmful to human health.