
June 6, 2024 | From City of New Orleans

Important Message from the Short Term Rental Administration

The Non Commercial Short Term Rental application period is June 1 - 7, 2024. Please login to the One Stop App to apply for the NSTR License. Please be sure to also apply for the STR Operator License if you do not have an issued (Operator) license or application on file. There is a $50 non refundable application fee with ALL Short Term Rental applications.

Please be sure to submit a complete application, void of any mistakes. 

A copy of the NSTR training presentation, checklist and a recording of the training can be found here. Attached to this email is the attestation document to be signed by each additional owner of an NSTR property.

We will have in person office hours Monday, June 3 - Friday, June 7 from 8am-5pm with staff on hand to review your documents and assist you with submitting your applications. You do not need an appointment. 

We do not anticipate any issues with the online application process. However, if issues arise we will fix them as soon as possible and make the necessary adjustments to the application deadline. 

All inquiries can be directed to STR@NOLA.GOV.