
September 10, 2024 | From City of New Orleans

Proposed Changes to STR Regulations

The New Orleans City Council will consider New Non-Commercial Short-Term Rental (NSTR) Regulations at the September 19th Council meeting. The proposed legislation creates an Interim Zoning District (IZD) that would prohibit New NSTR Special Exceptions.

Any eligible applicant who has started the NSTR Special Exception process before September 19th will be allowed to complete the application and request a Special Exception from the City Council. To start the NSTR Special Exception process, eligible applicants must submit their signed affirmative request form for their Non-Commercial Short-Term Rental Special Exception Request to the City Planning Commission by the end of the business day on September 19, 2024. More information on the Special Exception process is available here.

The IZD will remain in place until the City Planning Commission conducts a study examining the impact of removing NSTR Special Exceptions from the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. If the Special Exceptions are removed from the CZO, those granted an NSTR License by Special Exception will be allowed to continue operations as Non-Conforming Use. The Council’s press release, including copies of the proposed legislation, is available here.

Please contact the City Planning Commission with any questions about the NSTR Special Exception Process. Frequently Asked Questions may be found here. Email inquiries may be directed to

Please contact the Office of City Council Vice President JP Morrell with any questions about the proposed legislation. Email inquiries may be directed to Julia Zuckerman, Legislative Director, at