Climate Smart Cities Decision Support Tool

The Trust for Public Land created a spatial mapping tool that overlays numerous variables related to “eco-social” well-being, risk, and vulnerability across the City of New Orleans. While New Orleans as a whole must continually prepare for, mitigate, and respond to the negative effects of climate change, flooding, and urban heat, certain pockets within this City are more vulnerable than others: social inequalities based on characteristics like one's race, income, education attainment, home language spoken, etc. map on top of uneven environmental risks such as urban heat island effect, mobility and food access, and flooding exposure.

We encourage you to get familiar with the mapping tool by clicking on the extensive set of variables and analyzing your neighborhood. Before you can access the tool, you will first need to register and create a free account. Once this is done and you enter the mapping portal, be sure to hit the “+” and “-” tabs within the tool so you can see the legends under each variable. For a guide of how to use the tool, please reference this informational video created by Trust for Public Land or click on the button linked below.  

Register an Account for the Climate Smart Decision Support Tool










No interactive map is ever complete; however, this comprehensive tool provides us a rare opportunity to explore at so many things at once in this City, from soil types to grocery store locations to biking lanes...and more. Here are a few challenge questions to consider answering when exploring the decision support tool: 

  • What is your neighborhood’s drainage basin? What pumping station does the stormwater drainage system drain into? 

  • How much impervious surface is in your neighborhood? 

  • How far is your home (walking) from a nearest green space or park? 

  • What areas near you are most in need of tree-planting efforts? 

  • Can you bike easily from where you live to other parts of the City?  

The Trust for Public Land has created Decision Support Tools to assist cities across the country. Check out their project database to see how New Orleans compares to other cities, like Cleveland, Chicago, or even Chattanooga! 

Please email if you have questions about the map or would like to see other variables displayed.