Oak Park

Oak Park


The Oak Park Stormwater Management and Flood Mitigation Project is designed to transform a cluster of five contiguous New Orleans Redevelopment Authority (NORA)-owned parcels on Perlita Street, as well as a portion of the adjacent public right-of-way (ROW) on Perlita Street - to reduce the risk of flooding for the surrounding neighborhood. The vacant parcels are parcels that are situated mid-block on the east side of Perlita Street, with Aviators Street to the north and Burbank Drive to the south.



The project construction began in February 2023 and was completed in November 2023. The ribbon cutting for the project was held December 14, 2023. 


For more information, click the link below to view the current fact sheet:


For more information on the Oak Park Stormwater Management & Flood Mitigation project, please contact:


Catherine Combs, Outreach Specialist
Office: (504)658-7623

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