Summer Connects

Summer Success seeks to increase financial stability, employment access, and positive social support over the summer for system involved youth by assisting them with the enrollment processes at NORDC and the Mayor's Summer Employment Youth Program. Additionally, youth are provided with case management and transportation support if needed. Referrals are made by the juvenile justice intervention center and juvenile justice adjacent agencies.

  • For Information on NORDC Teen Career Camps (ages 13-15),  click here 
  • For Information on the Mayor's Summer Youth Employment Program (ages 16-24),  click here  

Required Documentation:

  • Birth Certificate
  • Social Security card
  • Youth ID
  • Parent ID or Proof of Guardianship
  • Proof of Orleans Parish Residence

Case Management Support

Summer Success employs social workers to provide case management services to program participants. To learn more and submit a quote and proposal, please click HERE.