The City of New Orleans, in partnership with the Greater New Orleans Foundation, has been selected to participate in the Youth Climate Action Fund, supported by Bloomberg Philanthropies.
New Orleans is one of 100 cities around the globe that will receive $50,000 in initial funding and technical assistance to spur youth-driven climate action.
Are you between the ages of 15-24 years old? Do you want to make a difference in the New Orleans community? Are you ready to take action on climate change and help the enviroment? If so, the Youth Climate Action Fund (YCAF) Micro-Grant Program is for you!
To empower young people to design, implement, and govern climate solutions, fostering a more sustainable future.
To activate youth-led initiatives and address urgent climate challenges in the City of New Orleans. All projects must fit within one or more of the following New Orleans Climate Action Plan priorities: Energy Efficiency, Transportation, Nature-Based Solutions, Circular Economy & Waste Reduction and Data, Research & Engagement.
Open to applicants between the ages of 15-24 years old who reside in Orleans Parish and whose initiatives directly benefit the city of New Orleans.
Other Eligibility Requirements:
Proposed project application must be submitted by a youth-serving organization that can accept grant funds:
- Entity must have a 501c3 or fiscal sponsor
- Must have a bank account in its name and have ability to manage funds.
- If youth-led group is not an incorporated entity, they may partner with a fiscal agent that can accept and administer funds.
Award Size
Successful applicants will receive a micro-grant ranging from $1,000 - $5,000 through the Greater New Orleans Foundation in August/September 2024 to fund their projects.
The nine winning projects are as follows:
- Carnival Kids Making Mardi Gras More Sustainable – Sponsored by Grounds Krewe, this project aims to make Mardi Gras more sustainable by creating sustainable throws to be used by krewes and/or individuals.
- Roots of Resilience: Empowering Communities Through Sustainable Food Solutions – Sponsored by Reciprocity Works, this educational campaign on reducing waste and increasing sustainable practices will utilize an Instagram series and one-day community engagement event. Youth will distribute compost bins to their community and teach them how to engage in pollution reduction and recycling.
- Water Wonderful World – Sponsored by Trinity City Arts and Krewe of Red Beans, young artists will create a kindergarten-level coloring book that raises awareness about climate in New Orleans.
- Harmony Horizons Podcast: Navigating Education, Environment & Beyond – Sponsored by New Harmony High Institute, this youth-led podcast will discuss the intersection of education and environmental stewardship and encourage listeners to engage in climate action.
- The Block Is Hot – Sponsored by 3rdline NOLA, this project will promote awareness of heat islands and create solutions for energy needs in Little Woods Area through a series of workshops, flyers, a website and social media posts.
- Teen Thrift Fest – Sponsored by A Bella LaFemme Society, in partnership with the Mayor’s Youth Advisory Council, this series of teen thrifting events aims to collect and exchange at least $5,000 worth of clothing to reduce waste and promote clothing sustainability and access.
- Ogden Museum’s Youth Climate Action: Circular Economy Art Installation – Sponsored by Ogden Museum, this collaborative, interactive art installation with interns, a local artist and the community will be exhibited in Ogden’s Education Gallery to engage visitors to collectively create possible solutions to climate change.
- EcoAmbassadors: Empowering Immigrant Youth for Environmental Stewardship – Sponsored by Puentes New Orleans, this educational initiative seeks to equip immigrant youth with the knowledge and tools necessary to address the challenges of climate change through a structured series of workshops and hands-on activities.
- Empowering Youth for Environmental Justice – Sponsored by Illuminating the Youth, this project aims to empower youth in high-crime, low-income areas to become leaders in environmental justice and community development through education, community greening and engagement and career development.
Round 2 Information and Application coming soon!
Hear from one of the former Grant Recipients
on BeLoud's Podcast below!

For More information, Please contact:
The Youth Climate Action Fund is aligned with New Orleans’ first-ever Youth Master Plan, a 10-year (2020-2030) roadmap for creating and sustaining a positive youth development focused, results-oriented New Orleans that works for all of our young people.
This inititative also aligns with The City's Parks Master Plan-The Big Green Easy. To learn more click here.
Bloomberg Youth Climate Action Fund
