Pay Camera Ticket

Camera safety tickets are mailed to the address associated with the offending vehicle’s registration with the Office of Motor Vehicles. The notification gives guidance on how to pay the ticket.

How to pay a traffic camera ticket

You will need a copy of your ticket with the notice number and PIN.

Pay traffic camera ticket

  • Make your check or money order payable to City of New Orleans.
  • Write the Notice # on the front of the payment.

Checks can be mailed to:

City of New Orleans, Photo Safety Program
P.O. Box 742503
Cincinnati OH, 45274-2503

Call (504) 658-8082

Payment is accepted in person Monday through Friday from 8am-5pm at:

Administrative Hearing Center
1300 Perdido Street, Rm 1W09
New Orleans, LA 70112


Service provided by

1340 Poydras Street
Suite 1100
8am to 5pm
Monday - Friday.

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