View DBE Set-Aside Program Requirements

Program Info

The Set-Aside Program in New Orleans allocates up to 25% of city contracts for goods, services, and construction to certified Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs). This initiative allows DBEs to compete among themselves for designated contracts, rather than against larger competitors. To participate:

  • Vendors must be certified DBEs
  • Registration is required through the BRASS supplier portal
  • This program aims to level the playing field and promote growth for local disadvantaged businesses.

DBE Set Aside Program Guide

Procurement Set-Aside Regulations

Key Objectives

The DBE procurement set-aside program will provide DBE vendors the opportunities to:

  • Bid for work among themselves instead of against larger and prime contractors
  • Create new opportunities to set aside more City dollars for local small and minority businesses
  • Provide new energy to our local businesses trying to level the playing field
  • Enables certified DBEs to compete among themselves for designated contracts
  • Aims to promote long-term growth and wealth for minority entrepreneurs and small businesses


  • Only certified DBE Firms who have a current State and Local Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (SLDBE) certification through the City of New Orleans or DBE Firms who have a current Louisiana Unified Certification Program (LAUCP) certification through the RTA, the MSY Airport, or LADOTD are eligible to participate.


  • Federally Funded Projects
  • Purchase or contract valued at $15,000 or less
  • Real estate transactions
  • Resolution of legal claims
  • Cooperative endeavor agreement
  • Any procurement to satisfy declared emergency needs
  • Restoration tax abatement credits for owner-occupied residential properties not exceeding six residential units
  • Any procurement or contract, except those for public works, valued at less than the applicable formal competitive procurement threshold

For full list click here

Set Aside Program Launch

Purchasing is launching the Program in 2 phases:

  • 2024 4th Quarter Purchasing applied this program to informal solicitations (Invitation to Quote, “ITQ”).
  • In the first quarter of 2025, Purchasing will also apply the Program to formal solicitations (Invitation to Bid or “ITB”, Request for Proposals or “RFP”, and Request for Qualifications or “RFQ”).

Steps to Participate

STEP 1: You must be a certified State and Local Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (SLDBE) firm.

STEP 2: You must register in the City’s Supplier Portal.

  • In 2019, the Department of Finance launched BRASS (Budget, Requisition, and Accounting Services System), its new ERP system.
  • The Supplier Portal consists of an external platform for the City to communicate opportunities and transact business with suppliers.
  • You can find more information to register at Supplier Portal Links and Instructions(100,26)

STEP 3: You must participate in opportunities offered by the City.

  • The City offers opportunities via the release of events.
    • An event is a solicitation posted by Purchasing (Invitation to Quote, Invitation to Bid, Request for Information, Request for Proposals, or Request for Qualifications).
  • When Purchasing releases a new event based on the commodity code(s) you selected, you will receive an email notification from the buyer/purchasing agent who created the event.
    • It is a generic email notification with additional information about the event.
  • View Full List Here

How to Respond to an Event

  1. You must go to the Supplier Portal to login (with your username and password when you created your supplier account). Then, you must find the event.
  2. Then, you must find the event and you must read the solicitation to understand what the City is asking you to provide to respond to the event.
  3. When you are ready to submit your response, you must click on “Respond Now”. You will then be asked to complete several steps.
  4. At the end of this process, you will need to confirm your participation in this opportunity by pressing “Submit.”

You can find more information on how to respond at SupplierPortalLinksAndInstructions(100,25)


Service provided by
1340 Poydras St Suite 1800 New Orleans, LA 70112

Bureau of Purchasing

1300 Perdido St Suite 1800 Rm 4W07 New Orleans, LA 70112