Solar Permitting

To obtain rooftop solar, interested households must first reach out to solar company, or consider reaching out through our Solar for All NOLA program for a free site evaluation.  Once an evaluation has been done, the solar developer will determine whether the house can feasibly support a solar and/or battery system. Permits for rooftop solar are classified as Non-Structural Renovation permits which have additional Electrical Permit requirements through the City’s Safety & Permit Department. The cost of the Non‑Structural Renovation is $60 plus $5 per $1,000 of work to be performed and the cost of the associated Electrical permit is $40 plus $3 per new circuit plus $0.30 per service amperage.

More information can be found on the Safety & Permits Website and on Entergy New Orleans website on Net-Metering and Distributed Energy Resources Programs


Required Steps

For Review and Guidance

Service provided by
1340 Poydras Street Suite 800 New Orleans, LA 70112
