Designation and Certification of the One-Stop Operator

On February 10, 2021, the City of New Orleans released a Request for Proposals (RFP) on the behalf of the New Orleans Workforce Development Board to competitively procure the One-Stop Operator and WIOA Service Provider for the local One-Stop Center/American Job Center locally known as JOB1.  The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) requires local workforce development boards to competitively procure an Operator of the local One-Stop Center/American Job Center at least once every four years.  

Equus Workforce Solutions was selected as the One-Stop Operator and WIOA Service Provider for the JOB1 Business and Career Solutions Center.  As the One-Stop Operator and WIOA Service Provider, Equus Workforce Solutions is responsible for the coordination of service delivery among the mandated One-Stop partners, service providers of core programs, and other partners working within the workforce system. Equus is also be responsible for the provision of WIOA Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth services within the JOB1 Center. These services include job search assistance, work readiness workshops, career counseling, comprehensive assessments, occupational skills training, academic remediation, work experience, on-the-job training, supportive services, and follow-up services.