Public Satellite Stations: If your business is an auto repair facility, car wash, or gas station located in New Orleans, it may qualify to become a public satellite station and inspect vehicles domiciled in the City of New Orleans.
Fleet stations: If your organization owns or leases a fleet of over 10 vehicles that are registered in New Orleans and has an auto repair facility, it may qualify to become a fleet station. Fleet stations may only inspect vehicles that are owned or leased by the organization.
Station employees who meet the requirements may apply for a vehicle inspector's license. All persons performing inspections on vehicles must be properly licensed.
For detailed information on the application process for both inspection stations and inspectors please see MVIB Regulatory Guidelines
Station Licensing Requirements
A business must meet the following requirements in order to be eligible to become a brake tag station in the City of New Orleans:
- The business must be located in Orleans Parish
- The business must have been in operation for a minimum of 90 days from the date of application, as evidenced by their occupational license.
- The business can not owe any back taxes to the City of New Orleans, as evidenced in a tax clearance form.
- A minimum of two inspectors must be licensed by the Motor Vehicle Inspection Bureau as general motor vehicle inspector.
- The facility must have all required inspection equipment in working order.
- Any business or entity seeking a motor vehicle inspection station license must have all locations and areas utilized for the purpose of inspecting vehicles approved by the Bureau.
- Inspection and queuing area shall not utilize the public right-of-way, property not owned or leased by the business, or be located in such a manner as to pose a danger to pedestrians or other vehicles.
- Initial applications to become an authorized inspection station should submitted with an overhead "plot plan" showing the property. The entrance, queuing area, inspection area and exit should be clearly marked on the plot plan.
- Any business or entity seeking authorization to perform commercial vehicle inspections shall be equipped with a stall or bay that is large enough to accommodate a combination tractor-trailer commercial motor vehicle of legal dimensions.
- Legal dimensions for a combination tractor-trailer are as follows, overall length 75ft, width 8ft 6in, and height 14ft. The stall or bay must have a roof and two permanent connecting walls.
- The stall or bay shall have a smooth, level, free from major defects hard surface (concrete or asphalt, not just concrete washout or reclaimed asphalt, etc.) that is able to withstand the weight of an 80,000 lbs combination tractor-trailer.
- Combination tractor-trailers entering or leaving the inspection site shall be able to do so without repeated adjustment
Additional Requirements for Public Satellite Stations
- The business must operate under the use classification of "gas station," "motor vehicle service and repair, major", "motor vehicle service and repair," or "car wash" with permanent structures and sewerage and water board-approved drainage in compliance with the standards of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance.
- Stations performing inspections on passenger vehicles shall have a minimum of 150 feet of continuous available space on concrete or asphalt for vehicle queuing and inspection. No location may be approved that requires any vehicle to be put in reverse at any point in order to enter, exit, or traverse the inspection or queuing area. Stations inspecting commercial vehicles will have additional space requirements.
- The business must available to perform inspections for a minimum of 40 hours a week, throughout the calendar year
- The facility must have a public restroom available
- The business must maintain a $5000 surety bond to cover any damages which may occur while performing inspections.
- Each owner/operator of the business must have a valid Louisiana Driver's License
- Each owner or officer of the company, business, or organization applying for a satellite inspection station license shall undergo a criminal background check or have a current motor vehicle inspector license. The Director may refuse a license to a company, business, or organization where an owner or officer of the company has been convicted of a felony.
- Public satellite stations must have at least one inspector on duty at all times during posted hours of inspection.
Required Equipment
Stations must have the following at all times to perform inspections:
- Windshield scraper (for removal of expired certificates)
- Standard single hole punch
- Tire depth gauge
- Measuring tape at least six feet in length
- Flashlight
- Tint meter (two-piece type)
- Adjustable mirror
- Numerical stamps, numbered 1 through 12, and an "X" stamp, 1" size, and a black indelible ink stamp pad
The following is required for all stations performing inspections on commercial vehicles:
- Mechanic's creeper
- Soapstone marker
- Floor jack or lift or two jack stands, required only for stations which will perform inspections on school buses
- Two wheel chocks
- Brake chamber tool
- A current Federal Motor Carrier Safety regulation handbook (updated within one calendar year) as prescribed by the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Regulations, 49 CFR Parts 40, 303, 325, 350-399
The Bureau may authorize additional or alternate equipment.
The licensing fee is an annual fee of $25 for the station and $5 for each licensed inspector.
Inspectors must charge $25 for a one-year passenger vehicle or motorcycle/trailer inspection, $50 for a two-year inspection, and $60 for a commercial inspection.
All delinquency fees collected at the time of inspection due vehicles with expired or missing brake tags must be remitted to the City.
Ongoing Submissions Required
Each brake tag purchased by a station must be accounted for, logged, and used only to certify that a vehicle has passed inspection.
Each inspection and brake tag serial number must be recorded on an inspection log form. In addition, each inspector must collect late fees for each vehicle inspected with an expired or missing brake tag. These forms must be submitted to the City within 30 days of inspection.
Fleet stations are required to submit to the MVIB the registration certificate of each fleet vehicle that is registered in Orleans Parish.
Inspector Licensing Requirements
Any person who meets the requirements and is either employed by, or in the process of being employed by a satellite or fleet station may be eligible for an inspector's license. An inspector's license is valid for two years unless otherwise suspended, surrendered, or revoked.
An applicant must meet the following criteria to be eligible to become an inspector:
- Applicant must be at least 18 years of age
- Applicant must a current and valid driver's license, issued by a U.S. State or territory
- Applicant must pass a Federal background check performed by a facility approved by the Motor Vehicle Inspection Bureau*
- Applicant must pass a motor vehicle record check, performed by the Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles or their state of residence*
- Applicant must complete inspection training course(s) approved by the Louisiana Department of Public Safety, with additional training given by the Motor Vehicle Inspection Bureau
- Applicant must demonstrate a working knowledge of performing motor vehicle inspections
Persons applying for a commercial inspector license after December 20, 2018 must have a current ASE heavy diesel certification, or an equivalent accreditation. An equivalent accreditation may include, but is not limited to, five years of experience repairing or maintaining commercial vehicles. Evidence of this experience shall be signed by the applicant, notarized, and provided to the Bureau at the time of initial application.
* Not required for fleet inspection stations
Note: persons training as an inspector must first pass a federal background check and submit an application to the Bureau.
How to Apply for a License
Please contact the Motor Vehicle Inspection Bureau for a license application. Applications may be submitted in-person (by appointment only) or emailed to Contact us to schedule an appointment or for more information.
Phone: (504) 658-7160