Working for the City of New Orleans

The Civil Service Department plays a crucial role in managing and overseeing all aspects of human resources and personnel administration within the City of New Orleans government. This department is tasked with ensuring that the city's workforce is efficient, effective, and aligned with the goals and objectives of the municipal government.

Find Jobs and Apply Online!!

Promotional Jobs Available!!

Accessing Key Department Offerings

The Civil Service Department will only be accepting applications on-line.

Civil Service appeals will now be accepted by email, US mail or in person. To file an appeal, visit our Appeal and Subpoenas forms page to download an appeal form. Once you have completed the appeals form,  you may mail or bring it to the Civil Service office at the address on the form or you may email it to 

If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at

Let our office know how we may better assist you through this transitional period as we focus services online while still providing accessible pathways meeting individual needs.


New Orleans Civil Service Resource Center

LA Civil Service League Nomination Form

  • Access and submit nomination forms for exemplary civil servants to be recognized by the LA Civil Service League.

Find jobs and apply online!

  • Search open positions citywide and complete online employment applications for civil service roles.

How to apply

  • Get step-by-step instructions guiding you through the civil service application process.

Commission Meetings

  • View schedules, agendas, minutes and outcomes of pivotal City Civil Service Commission public meetings.

Commission Decisions

  • Reference historical logs of CCSC formal rulings on classification disputes, appeals cases and key policy matters.
Civil Service Commission Rules
  • Review the authoritative rulebook governing much of the civil service employment lifecycle procedures and standards.

Appointment, Allocation or Promotion Appeal Form

  • Initiate appeals processes for civil service employment qualification disagreements leveraging this starter form.

Prohibited Political Activity

  • Understand restrictions around political engagement for civil servants as outlined in Act 94 prohibitions.

Appeal and Subpoena Forms

  • Access Civil Service Department templates for appeals, subpoena requests and records disclosures.

Documents for Request for Proposal

  • The Civil Service Commission is currently seeking to contract with  court reporters to attend and transcribe employee disciplinary hearings.

Civil Service

(504) 658-3500 (504) 658-3598 Email Civil Service

Monday - Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm