Bicycle Facility (Bike Rack) Permit

As bicycle ridership continues to grow in New Orleans, the City is actively developing facilities that can connect trips by bicycle.  The City’s bicycle network currently includes 100 miles of bikeways. 

View a map of the current bicycle network here.

An application is required for businesses and property owners wishing to install bike racks on City sidewalks and streets.  The City Traffic Engineer must review and approve bike racks prior to installation on City sidewalks or streets.  Typically the review and approval of rack applications takes 2-3 weeks. 

A permit is required to locate any bike rack or bicycle repair facility (e.g. "Fix It Station") in the City of New Orleans. 


Bike racks and other bike facilities approved by these permits may not display advertising signage and are not to be designated for the use of any one person or group. They must be available to the public at large.

A signed donation agreement or liability waiver may be required upon application approval.

Bike Rack Installation Requirements

  • All proposed bicycle parking rack locations should maintain the following wherever possible: At least 4’ wide unobstructed pedestrian path on the sidewalk;
  • Clearance of at least 1’ between parked bicycle and permanent objects such as trees, street light poles, utility poles, traffic signal poles, planters, benches, covers for underground utilities, etc.;
  • Clearance of at least 1’ between parked bicycle and curbface of sidewalk;
  • Clearance of at least 1’ between parked bicycle and any building edge;
  • Clearance of at least 15’ between parked bicycle and a fire hydrant and 10’ between parked bicycle and fire department sprinkler/standpipe Siamese connections;
  • Clearance of at least 20’ between parked bicycle and bus or streetcar sign pole;
  • At least 2.5’ between racks where multiple racks are proposed parallel to each other; 
  • Where multiple racks are proposed between the sidewalk curb and the pedestrian clear zone, a clearance of at least 2’ is recommended for every 20 feet of curb space occupied by racks; and
  • No racks within signed loading and passenger zones or where the rack(s) would restrict entrance to a building.

Note: All distances should be measured from outside edge of parked bicycle. All permanent objects (I.e. trees, fire hydrants, building entrances, street light poles, traffic signal poles, planters, benches, covers for underground utilities, bus/streetcar shelters, etc.) should be identified on sketch.


  • $40 Application fee

Required Documents

  • Apply online at or fill out and submit the PDF Application
  • All applications must contain the following attachments:
  • Installation Planning Set: Set should include;
    • Site plan (drawn to scale) including property lines, adjacent public streets, sidewalks, and on-site building footprints, parking/driveways as applicable to identify location, and other markings and utilities as necessary to comply withDepartment of Public Works Siting Guidelines; Sample
    • Photographs of area on property where station will be installed;
    • Installation design site characteristics, installation needs, etc.
  • Additional plans, documents, may be required at the discretion of the City

You May Also Need

To obtain approval of a new design, please contact the Department of Public Works at 504-658-8046 or email

A signed donation agreement or liability waiver may be required upon application approval.


Department of Public Works 
1300 Perdido St, Room 6W03
New Orleans, LA 70112

Service provided by


(504) 539-3266

8:00 AM-5:00 PM