Find my Towed Vehicle

If you suspect your vehicle has been towed you may call (504) 658-8100 to confirm.

Vehicle Retrieval and Payment

All outstanding parking or safety camera citation fees must be paid in full in order for you to collect your vehicle. To check the balance of fees associated with your license plate, please call (504) 658-8284.

Payment must be made at the tow lot located at 400 N Claiborne Ave, New Orleans, LA 70112 and open from 7:30am to 1:00am, 7 days a week. The lot is located directly beneath the Expressway at the intersection of N Claiborne Ave and Conti St.

Before vehicles are released, owners will be required to pay:

  • the amount of outstanding parking violation(s)
  • any additional outstanding tickets 90 days old or more
  • $161.25 towing fee
  • $19 per day storage fee. (The maximum amount accumulated storage fee is $500)

Delinquent Vehicles

Towed vehicle that have been in storage for more than 24 hours may be moved to the City’s auto impound lot on Almonaster Ave., however payment for towed cars can only be made at the 10200 Almonaster Av,e New Orleans, LA 70112 location from 8 a.m. - 6 p.m., Monday through Friday. Owners will have to visit the impound lot at 400 N. Claiborne Ave. to pay for your vehicle, whether it is at the N. Claiborne Ave. or Almonaster Ave. impound location, before it is released.

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