Live Entertainment

Apply online:

One Stop App


In accordance with Chapter 14-310 of the City Code of New Orleans, the fees are as follows:

Non-Refundable Fees

Gross Sales Non-Profit For Profit
$0 - $10,000



$10,001 - $50,000



Over $50,000




PAYMENTS: We accept MasterCard, Visa, and Discover. You can pay online by logging in at and searching for your item by application or invoice number after the application has been reviewed and the invoice has been generated.

Apply Online: One Stop App

  • Attach the following documents to your One Stop application:
    1. Lease between the property owner and business
    2. Floor plan showing where live entertainment will originate.
    3. Site Plan indicating the location of exterior security cameras.
    4. Acknowledgment of Bar Standards or Restaurant Use 

For Renewals Apply Online at the One Stop App 

The following items are only required if changes have occurred:

  1. Executed copy of your lease - NOTE: the lease or management agreement must be between the landowner and business.
  2. Plot Plan/Layout - A plot plan/layout of the entire floor area that will be occupied by the proposed business clearly labeling measurements of all rooms, attached and unattached buildings, property lines, doors, windows, preparation areas and equipment, restrooms, amusement devices, emergency exits and lighting locations, back of house operations, and any other related features. Diagram must be large enough to be legible, at least 8 1/2" by 11".
  3. Acknowledgment of Bar Use Standards or Acknowledgment of Restaurant Use Standards
  4. Litter Abatement Checklist approved by the Department of Sanitation

To check for active Live Entertainment licenses, please use this link.

To contact Live Entertainmnet, please email

For Live Entertainment violations, please email

Service provided by
1340 Poydras Street Suite 800 New Orleans, LA 70112
