How to Respond to a Bidding Opportunity

We've provided a handy PDF for the following steps.

Download Search and Respond to an Event Instructions

  1. Find an event

    1. View open events here.


    1. Log into your BRASS account. (To login, you must be a registered supplier)
    2. To locate an event, click Events, then select Search Events. Each event is a bidding opportunity with the City. If you know the event name or number, you may search using that criteria.
    3. Type one or more informative words in the keyword field and click Search
    4. Click View Event to view the event
  2. Event Summary

    1. On the Event Summary tab, you will find the date and time the event opens. (Responses will not be accepted after the closing date/time)
    2. The event Description and Rules section describes the event and displays any associated requirements.
    3. On the Contacts tab, you will find the point of contact for the event.
    4. On the Attachments tab, you will find the documents related to the event for your review. To select an attachment, click on the attachment row or the blue hyperlink on the attachment. You can view, save or print the available documents.
    5. Types of documents you can expect to find here are as follows:
      1. Invitation to Quote
      2. Invitation to Bid
      3. Plans / Drawings
      4. Specifications
      5. Requests for Proposals
      6. Requests for Qualifications
      7. Request for Information
    6. On the Lines tab, you will find information about the products or services the City is seeking to procure.
    7. Select a line by clicking anywhere on the row. The line will turn blue. Double click or click View Line Detail to see more information about that line.
    8. Line Summary details information such as a description of the item, the related commodity code and the quantity of items the City wants.
    9. Click your browser’s back button when you are done reviewing the line details.
  3. Responses

    1. To respond to an event, click the Respond Now button on the Event Summary screen. The wizard will take you through the steps necessary for responding to the event.
    2. Check the applicable box to accept OR decline the City's Terms and Conditions for this event. (Vendors must agree to the City's Terms & Conditions or you will not be allowed to respond to the event.)
    3. Prior to accepting the Terms & Conditions, please be sure to review the Terms and Conditions within the attached Invitation to Bid, Request for Qualifications or Request for Proposals.
    4. Click the Next button near the bottom right of your screen when done.
  4. Event Line Responses

    1. The Event Line Responses tab will display.
    2. Click the Maintain Line Response Details to enter your details.
    3. The system will display a Line Detailed box. Complete the form by entering pertinent information such as:
      1. 1. Vendor Item
      2. 2. Item description
      3. 3. Unit of measure
      4. 4. Unit Price
      5. 5. Additional Description (optional)
    4. Click the Next button at the bottom of the box when you’re done.
    5. Review the Line Response Summary, and then click the Finish button.
    6. Click Next
  5. Question Responses (Invitation to Bid Only)

    1. When responding to a Invitation to Bid, you are required to submit a response to each question where indicated. Please be sure to read each question carefully
  6. Response Attachments

    1. Prepare your supporting documents before working on this section.
    2. Have your paper documents scanned and save them to your computer for uploading.
    3. The chart below depicts the required documents which correlate with the various event types.
      Event type Required documents
      Invitation to Quote (ITQ)
      • Detailed quote
      Invitation to Bid (ITB)
      • Applicable Bid Form
      • Corporate Resolution/Written Evidence of Authority to Sign
      • Bid Bond
      Request for Proposals (RFP)
      • Signed Technical Proposal
      • Cost Proposal
      • Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Participation Plan
      • City of New Orleans Conflict of Interest Disclosure Affidavit
      • Section 3 Economic Plan (if applicable)
      Request for Qualifications (RFQ)
      • Signed Technical Proposal
      • Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Participation Plan
      • City of New Orleans Conflict of Interest Disclosure Affidavit
      • Section 3 Economic Plan (if applicable)
      Request for Information (RFI)
      • Vendor Submission
    4. Click the Create button. The system will display an attachments form. Enter a title then click the folder to attach your document. Repeat these steps for each required document.
    5. Click Next when you have uploaded all required documentation. This will advance you to the Submit Response tab.
    6. You must attach all required documents as per the instructions on the event for your submission to be responsive.
  7. Submit Responses

    Submit your response before the date & time shown in message below the Submit button!

    1. Click the Print My Response button to save the file for your records.
    2. If you’re certain you have properly entered all your information and documentation, click the Submit button.
    3. Click the Home button to close out the event response function.
    4. After submitting your response, you can verify your response has been submitted. To do so, click Events, then My Responses.
    5. The Responses Open for Award tab displays all of your submitted responses and the response statuses. The response status submitted means your response was completed and has been submitted.
    6. The Unsubmitted Initial Responses tab displays all of your incomplete responses that have not been submitted.
  8. Need assistance?

    1. If you encounter any issues while submitting responses for an event, please refer to the point of contact for the event.
Service provided by

Bureau of Purchasing
Procurement Office

(504) 658-1550
1300 Perdido Street Room 4W07 New Orleans, LA 70112
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