Neighborhood Participation Program For Land Use Actions

The City Charter calls for “a system of organized and effective neighborhood participation in land use decisions and other issues that affect quality of life.” The purpose of the Neighborhood Participation Program for Land Use actions is to provide timely notification of any proposed land use action affecting a neighborhood and to provide the opportunity for meaningful neighborhood review of and comment on such proposals.

In July 2012, the City Planning Commission (CPC) adopted the Neighborhood Participation Program (NPP) for Land Use Actions, a report recommending improvements to the CPC’s public notification and engagement processes. This report has been approved by the City Council and key portions have been implemented through changes to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance.  The NPP requirements were amended in June 2022 to further enhance notification requirements and the dissemination of information related to development projects.  The updated NPP resource guide can be found below:

NPP Resource Guide for Applicants (Revised May 2024) 

Neighborhood Participation Program (NPP) meeting notifications are now on NOTICEME

NoticeMe is a personalized notification tool that emails citizens to inform them of opportunities for public input on proposed landuse changes in selected areas.  Applicants are required to hold an NPP meeting prior to submitting an application for zoning map amendments, conditional uses, planned developments, variances (single- and two- family dwellings are exempt), and future land use map Master Plan amendments.

Once registered at, the email address will receive notices of when a Neighborhood Participation Program meeting is scheduled.

NoticeMe also provides notice of when a public hearing is scheduled and when a report is ready. You will also be notified of the action of the City Planning Commission or Board of Zoning Adjustments.