Our Beliefs and Strategies

  • We believe that government can be an effective leader in coordinating data-driven solutions to solve many of the challenges our neighborhoods face
  • We believe that quality affordable housing choices are a basic human right
  • We believe every resident, no matter their zip code or socioeconomic background, has the right to live in a neighborhood that is amenity rich
  • We believe that targeted efforts to improve community assets can spur additional neighborhood improvements and investments without leading to displacement

Our theory of change

OCAI develops holistic, citywide policies and strategies that collaboratively activate publicly owned assets in order to drive investment and support the creation of equitable, inclusive, amenity rich neighborhoods.

The Challenges

1. Not all New Orleans neighborhoods have what they need. 

Historic development and investment practices, as well as environmental disasters, have led to:

  • Underutilized Public Assets
  • Insufficient Amenities
  • Inequitable Distribution of Resources

2. Creating vibrant and thriving neighborhoods is complex

Despite awareness of needs, cities often struggle to create vibrant and thriving neighborhoods.

Addressing neighborhood disinvestment requires alignment on a shared vision between the City, its agencies, and the community, supported by sustained coordination to bring that vision to life. This type of alignment is difficult to achieve without dedicated resources focused on leading intentional processes that build trust and connection.

Our Approach

We leverage data and best practices to guide an approach to building infrastructure for policy change.

Convening & Coordination

Creating amenity rich neighborhoods requires a shared vision between the City, its agencies, and the community. OCAI sits in a unique position to drive this alignment & sustained coordination. In the Convening & Coordination role, OCAI sets the table, bringing together key people to align, vision and explore the needs of the community in the areas of housing, land use and equitable neighborhood investments.

Policy Guidance & Design

Once there is alignment around a particular issue, the next step is to identify how laws & ordinances can hinder or advance the stated vision. In the Policy Guidance & Design role, OCAI serves as an internal resource to government agencies and policymakers, identifying and recommending shifts in policy to preserve affordable housing, update outdated land use practices, and facilitate the development of thriving neighborhoods.

Policy Implementation & Program Design

Shifts in policy are often only as effective as the programs and supports that are built around them. In the Policy Implementation & Program Design role, OCAI reaches across departments and entities to ensure that policy changes directly impact and benefit residents, and that the initial vision of transformative policy changes are brought to life.

Focus Areas


New Orleans is experiencing a major housing crisis. Depleted housing stock and rising costs have priced many working families out of the market. OCAI looks to preserve and expand affordable housing stock in the city, by convening community, and facilitating coordination between major housing agencies so they can accomplish their goals.

Land Use

Land Use policies govern what can be built in a neighborhood, from types of housing to essential services to community gathering spaces. OCAI assesses and recommends changes to zoning and land use policy to create vibrant, amenity rich neighborhoods, with a special focus on to turning vacant, overlooked, and underutilized properties into community assets.

Equitable Neighborhood Investments

In New Orleans, not every resident has what they need. We work to even the playing field so that residents have access to the same quality amenities no matter where they live or their socioeconomic status. Through data analysis and the creation of data tools, we identify gaps and seek to inform internal decision-making on public investments that can catalyze amenity-rich neighborhoods.

Roadmap for the future

Over the coming years OCAI will continue to develop collaborative strategies that activate publicly owned assets and build fundamental infrastructure for policy changes around land use and housing to create equitable, inclusive, amenity-rich neighborhoods.

Convening & Coordination

  • Guide coordination amongst leadership of the Big Four Housing Agencies: The City, NORA, HANO, and Finance New Orleans
  • Continue hosting Policy Roundtables to engage key stakeholders and public agency partners on initiatives led by the City

Policy Guidance & Design

Develop further policy and strategy to address vacant, overlooked, and underutilized properties into community assets

Launch a public-facing Affordable Housing Inventory to document the City’s investments in affordable housing development and inform internal decisions regarding priorities for investment

Policy Implementation & Program Design

Continue coordination with City departments and partner agencies to support land use and housing strategies that ensure all New Orleanians live in a neighborhood that is vibrant, thriving, and amenity rich

OCAI continues to drive the Redevelopment Framework