
The Juvenile Justice Intervention Center has different visitation policies and regulations for family and case related visits. All visitors are required to provide a valid state identification card or driver’s license. Identification must be kept on your person during visitation. Visitation policies are as follows:

Parent And Family Visitation

  • Only legal guardians who have completed the family orientation will be added to the visitation schedule. 

  • All other visitors must submit a visitation request and receive approval from the Executive Director and/or Superintendent to be added to the visitation schedule.  

How Do I Set Up A Visit?

  • A social worker will contact the parent or legal guardian of each youth admitted to the JJIC to set up a parent orientation prior to scheduling a first visit.
  • The following must be obtained before any visitation privileges are granted: 

    • Parent’s valid identification 

    • Youth’s social security card  

    • Youth’s birth certificate 

    • Valid custody card, if applicable 

Are There Restrictions?

The JJIC Superintendents have full discretion to alter the number of approved visitors and visitation times, as well as the frequency, duration, and number of visits.  

NOTE: Visitation hours are subject to change based on the facility needs 

  •  Visitation is 45 minutes. 

  • Please arrive at least 10 minutes prior to your scheduled visitation time.  

  • Late arrivals will result in shortened/lessened visitation time (NO EXCEPTION). 

  • Virtual visitation is available, if applicable. 

  • Children are not permitted in the lobby without an adult present. 

  • Adult visitors must provide valid identification that will be copied by staff. 

  • Please use the restroom in the lobby area prior to your visitation start time. 

  • Dress code strictly enforced (no shorts, no cut off shirts, no tank/crop tops, no athletic gear/tights, no graphic tee with profanity, no slippers/bonnets, no pajamas, no hats, no hoodies/coats, dresses and skirts must be knee length)  

  • No personal items are permitted during visitation (pockets must be empty, no electronics including smart watches, no medication, no weapons of any kind) 

  • All visitors will be subject to security searches, including pat down. 

  • Code of Conduct: All visitors must adhere to the following: 

  • Respect staff and youth (any physical altercation will result in immediate removal and reported to the authorities) 

  • Personal boundaries. 

  • Touching is permitted when greeting family members  

  • Touching underneath table is prohibited (hands must be visible at all times) 

  • Violation of personal boundaries will result in visitation suspension and possible termination 

NOTE: Failure to adhere to these policies may result in visitation suspension and possible termination of visits. 

Case Related Visitation

Case related visitation is only permitted for legal counsel, case managers, and social workers assigned to the youth. Prior to setting up a visitation appointment, all legal counsel, court ordered evaluators, case managers, and social workers must provide documentation that they have been assigned to the youth they are visiting.  

Please call to make an appointment at (504) 658-3400 ext. 5 or email Lee Reisman at

Case Related Visitation Schedule

Monday – Friday 

  • 9:00am-5:00pm 

Saturday and Sunday

  • Prior administrative approval required