
September 9, 2022 | From New Orleans Fire Department

Three Alarm Fire at 819 Austerlitz Street

On Friday, September 9, 2022, at 9:18 a.m., the New Orleans Fire Department (NOFD) received a 911 call at 9:19 a.m., reporting a fire at a church on 819 Austerlitz Street.  Arriving on the scene at 9:24 a.m., firefighters found heavy fire and smoke bellowing from the rear of the Austerlitz Street Baptist Church, threatening neighboring homes, and immediately called for a second alarm.  Two people at the church stated that they saw a ball of fire coming from a pipe when they turned the lights on and immediately called 911.  A third alarm was requested at 9:42 a.m., as firefighters had to cut into walls and ceilings to extinguish fires that were inside the walls and attic spaces.  All NOFD fire personnel did and excellent job of suppressing this labor-intensive fire and placing it under control at 10:19 a.m.


Twenty-two NOFD units carrying fifty-six Fire Operations Personnel, New Orleans Emergency Medical Service, New Orleans Police Department and Entergy Electric was used to mitigate this incident.  There were no reported injuries, and the cause of the fire is under investigation.



Call Received:                  9:18 a.m.

Dispatched:                       9:18 a.m.

Arrival:                               9:24 a.m.

Second Alarm:                  9:24 a.m.

Third Alarm:                      9:42 a.m.

Under Control:                  10:19 a.m.

NOFD Units:                    22

Fire Ops Personnel:       56

Injuries:                              None reported

Cause:                               Under Investigation


