
January 8, 2025 | From New Orleans Fire Department

NOFD Responds to Two-Alarm Fire on Toledano St.

On Wednesday, January 8, 2025, at 12:37 p.m., the New Orleans Fire Department (NOFD) received a call reporting a residential fire in the 3000 block of Toledano St. Dispatched immediately, the first NOFD unit arrived on the scene at 12:40 p.m. A heavily involved occupied two-story duplex prompted Fire Operations personnel to request a second alarm contingent of resources and personnel at 12:44 p.m. Upon arrival firefighters were informed that all residents had escaped safely. Firefighters were able to keep the fire mostly contained to the original fire building, 3017-19 Toledano St. But an occupied single-family home to the immediate left (3021 Toledano St.) and at least three units of an apartment building to the immediate right (3003 Toledano St., St Peter Claver Apts.) did receive mild to moderate fire, smoke and water damage.


Seventeen NOFD units supported by forty-six Fire Operations personnel were used to bring this incident under control at 1:29 p.m. Ten residents have been displaced by this incident and directed to the American Red Cross for assistance. An adult male resident reported receiving cuts to his legs and hands escaping the fire from a first-floor window.  The cause of the fire is under investigation.


Initial Call:                   12:37 p.m.

Dispatched:                 12:37 p.m.

Arrival:                         12:40 p.m.

2nd Alarm:                    12:44 p.m.

Under Control:            1:29 p.m.

NOFD Units:               17

Fire Ops Personnel:    46

Injuries:                        1 Adult Male/Cuts to hand and leg

Residents Displaced:  10

Cause:                         Under Investigation


