Firearm Sales Study
Motion M-23-163
The City Planning Commission, in conjunction with the City Attorney, is directed to conduct a study and make recommendations regarding the addition of Firearm Sales as a use separate and distinct from Retail Goods Establishment and to make recommendations regarding potential zoning changes that would prohibit the sale of firearms within 1,000 feet of Education Facilities.
Motion No. M-23-163
Public Hearing Notice
The City Planning Commission held a public hearing on June 13, 2023, to considering the preliminary staff report for the Firearm Sales Study. This consideration was postponed to the July 11, 2023, CPC hearing.
Public Hearing Notice
The City Planning Commission will hold another public hearing on March 26, 2024, in the City Council Chambers (City Hall -1E07) to consider the staff recommendations in the Firearm Sales Study. The public hearing will begin following the 1:30pm regular zoning meeting.
Public Hearing Notice
Preliminary Study Report
The preliminary study report was considered at the July 11, 2023, City Planning Commission hearing. This report introduced the study to the City Planning Commission for informational purposes only. No action was taken at this meeting.
Draft Study
The Firearm Sales Study with CPC staff recommendations was heard at the March 26, 2024, City Planning Commission hearing.
Final Study
The Firearm Sales Study was adoped at the March 26, 2024, City Planning Commissioner hearing.